Read more about the article Hunt For Thug Who Shot Cat Through Neck With Arrow
Image shows the cat, undated photo. It was rescued after animal abusers pierced it with an arrow through its neck in Usingen, Hessen State, Germany, June 17, 2024. (Tierschutzengel RheinMain eV, animal protection Frankfurt & fawn rescue/Newsflash)

Hunt For Thug Who Shot Cat Through Neck With Arrow

Pet puss shows how it saved one of its nine lives by just a whisker when it was shot through the neck with an arrow. Heartbreaking capture camera footage recorded…

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Read more about the article Gun Ravaged South Africa To Build World’s First Bulletproof Playground
Picture shows the proposal of the bulletproof park in Mitchells Plain, South Africa. The proposal is made by the non-profit organization Gun Free SA. (Bulletproof Park/Newsflash)

Gun Ravaged South Africa To Build World’s First Bulletproof Playground

The world's first playground encased in bulletproof glass is to be built in guncrime-ravaged South Africa. The project, designed by safety campaigners Gun Free SA, is set to be built…

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Read more about the article Cranial Injury Study Reveals Huge Violence In Lawless Ancient Middle-Eastern Cities
Photo shows a cranial trauma that bears witness of a violent death. International team of researchers analyzed over 3,500 skulls found in the Middle East, In the 12,000 years before antiquity. (Joachim Wahl,University of Tubingen/Newsflash).

Cranial Injury Study Reveals Huge Violence In Lawless Ancient Middle-Eastern Cities

A lack of legal frameworks in the disorganised first cities to be built in the Ancient Middle East led to a significant increase in violence between inhabitants, according to researchers…

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Read more about the article Bull ‘Sobs’ In Terror As It Is Tied To Post And Has Flaming Torches Attached To Its Horns
Picture shows a man with a knife next to a bull with his horns on fire tied to a pole, in Museros, Spain, undated. Spanish political party PACMA denounced the bull fighting event where this occurred as animal abuse. (PACMA/Newsflash)

Bull ‘Sobs’ In Terror As It Is Tied To Post And Has Flaming Torches Attached To Its Horns

WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT This footage shows a bull apparently "sobbing" in terror as it is pinned to a post with a rope before flaming torches are attached to its horns.…

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