Read more about the article ‘Blackmailers’ Stole Two Hard Drives With 1,500 Medical Files To Sell For GBP 12 Million
Markus F., 52, poses in undated photo. He worked for Schumacher's family for years. (Newsflash)

‘Blackmailers’ Stole Two Hard Drives With 1,500 Medical Files To Sell For GBP 12 Million

Sinister details of a twisted plot to blackmail stricken F1 star Michael Schumacher's family for GBP 12 million have emerged. A trusted security guard working for the family is said…

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Read more about the article Rare Bird Hatchlings Go On Show In Zoo’s Unique Rainforest Biome
Image shows an endangered Meller's duck (Anas meller), undated photo. It was captured at the Zurich Zoo, Switzerland, July 2024. (Zurich Zoo, Fabio Sueess/Newsflash)

Rare Bird Hatchlings Go On Show In Zoo’s Unique Rainforest Biome

Adorable chicks from three species of endangered birds go on show at their rainforest enclosure in Switzerlad. Keepers at Zurich Zoo released footage of the chicks, still in their fluffy…

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Read more about the article Prosecutors Ban ‘Tesla Of Euthanasia’ Killing Pod
Image shows the Sarco suicide pod, undated photo. The Canton of Schaffhausen, in Switzerland, has banned its usage. (Sarco/Newsflash)

Prosecutors Ban ‘Tesla Of Euthanasia’ Killing Pod

A space-age death pod dubbed the 'Tesla Of Euthanasia' has been banned by prosecutors in Switzerland. The 3D-printed Sarco pod can kill occupants at the press of a button, flooding…

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Read more about the article German City Introduces Pizza Box Recycling Bins To Combat Littering
Image shows a pizza box, undated photo. They were set in the city of Erfurt, Germany, in a bid to battle littering. (City Administration of Erfurt/Newsflash)

German City Introduces Pizza Box Recycling Bins To Combat Littering

A city in Germany has come up with a creative way to combat littering by introducing pizza recycling bins for the oversized boxes in several locations. The so-called Pizzaboxes were…

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Read more about the article Astonishing Moment Ant Colony Amputates Severely Injured Ant’s Leg To Save Its Life
Image shows an illustration of an amputation, undated photo. When wounded an ant bites off the leg of an injured conspecific, and then treats the wound by licking it. (Hanna Haring/Newsflash)

Astonishing Moment Ant Colony Amputates Severely Injured Ant’s Leg To Save Its Life

Colony of ants amputates the leg of a seriously injured ant to save its life in a discovery that puts them closer to humans in their treatment of injury than…

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Read more about the article Adorable Baby Seal Rescued By Cops After Stuck At Fishing Port
Image shows the adorable seal pup, undated photo. It was rescued by Bremerhaven Police, Germany, June 12, 2024. (Bremerhaven Police/Newsflash)

Adorable Baby Seal Rescued By Cops After Stuck At Fishing Port

The images show an adorable baby seal getting rescued by a group of good Samaritans after they found it stuck in a fishing port. Passersby in Bremerhaven, Germany, were stunned…

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Read more about the article How Critically Endangered Frogs Do Press Ups To Boost Survival
Image shows a Titicaca water frog at Schoenbrunn Zoo, Vienna, Austria, undated photo. The animal does underwater push-ups according to a recent study. (Schoenbrunn Zoo, Rupert Kainradl/Newsflash)

How Critically Endangered Frogs Do Press Ups To Boost Survival

Critically endangered frogs show off the amazing underwater press-up skills that help them survive in the wild. The huge aquatic Titicaca water frog is found only in a single water…

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Read more about the article Vandals Behead ‘Blasphemous’ Statue Of Virgin Mary Giving Birth To Jesus
Image shows the sculpture of Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus, undated photo. It was beheaded by vandals in Linz, Austria, June 27, 2024. (Mariendom Linz/Newsflash)

Vandals Behead ‘Blasphemous’ Statue Of Virgin Mary Giving Birth To Jesus

A 'blasphemous' sculpture of the Virgin Mary showing her with her legs spread open as she gives birth to Jesus has been beheaded in an Austrian cathedral. The artwork showed…

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Read more about the article Man Spots Great Granny In Church’s Stained-Glass Window
Image shows the stained glass window in Linz's Mariendom, undated photo. It shows the Steineder family (the man on the right is Leopold Steineder, city carpenter of Linz, behind him his underage son Hans Steineder). (Federal Monuments Office, Bettina Neubauer-Pregl/Newsflash)

Man Spots Great Granny In Church’s Stained-Glass Window

Art experts restoring a cathedral's stained glass windows in Austria were astonished when a local identified five of his ancestors in the artwork. Art historians have been conducting a painstaking…

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