Read more about the article Mystery Surrounds Bizarre UFO Debris That Fell On Man’s Roof As Air Force Remains Tight-Lipped
Picture shows the unidentified object that fell from a sky in Sao Vicente, Brazil, undated. Michel Ramos dos Santos, 39, reportedly said he was frightened by the situation. (Michel Ramos dos Santos/Newsflash)

Mystery Surrounds Bizarre UFO Debris That Fell On Man’s Roof As Air Force Remains Tight-Lipped

Mystery surrounds bizarre pieces of burning debris that fell on a man's roof in Brazil, with the Air Force remaining tight-lipped over the incident. Michel Ramos dos Santos, 39, said…

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Read more about the article Astonishing Moment Ant Colony Amputates Severely Injured Ant’s Leg To Save Its Life
Image shows an illustration of an amputation, undated photo. When wounded an ant bites off the leg of an injured conspecific, and then treats the wound by licking it. (Hanna Haring/Newsflash)

Astonishing Moment Ant Colony Amputates Severely Injured Ant’s Leg To Save Its Life

Colony of ants amputates the leg of a seriously injured ant to save its life in a discovery that puts them closer to humans in their treatment of injury than…

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Read more about the article Breathtaking Moment Hikers Cross Misty ‘Ladder To Heaven’ Over Massive Drop
The "Ladder to Heaven" project appears in the foggy Baishishan Scenic Area in Baoding, Hebei, China. The video was posted on Douyin the Chinese version of TikTok on Tuesday, Jul. 2, 2024. (94637836/AsiaWire)

Breathtaking Moment Hikers Cross Misty ‘Ladder To Heaven’ Over Massive Drop

This is the breathtaking moment a hiker climbs a mist-shrouded "ladder to heaven" over a massive drop at a scenic spot in China. The images were filmed in Baoding in…

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Read more about the article Vandals Behead ‘Blasphemous’ Statue Of Virgin Mary Giving Birth To Jesus
Image shows the sculpture of Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus, undated photo. It was beheaded by vandals in Linz, Austria, June 27, 2024. (Mariendom Linz/Newsflash)

Vandals Behead ‘Blasphemous’ Statue Of Virgin Mary Giving Birth To Jesus

A 'blasphemous' sculpture of the Virgin Mary showing her with her legs spread open as she gives birth to Jesus has been beheaded in an Austrian cathedral. The artwork showed…

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Read more about the article Man Spots Great Granny In Church’s Stained-Glass Window
Image shows the stained glass window in Linz's Mariendom, undated photo. It shows the Steineder family (the man on the right is Leopold Steineder, city carpenter of Linz, behind him his underage son Hans Steineder). (Federal Monuments Office, Bettina Neubauer-Pregl/Newsflash)

Man Spots Great Granny In Church’s Stained-Glass Window

Art experts restoring a cathedral's stained glass windows in Austria were astonished when a local identified five of his ancestors in the artwork. Art historians have been conducting a painstaking…

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Read more about the article Young Master Began Painting Aged Just 10 Months
Young Bento Benatti, 6, poses in undated photo. Bento, who has been painting since 10 months old, exhibited his paintings for the first time at the Municipal Theatre in his hometown of Araxa, Brazil, on Thursday, 13 June, 2024. (Fccb Cultura/Newsflash)

Young Master Began Painting Aged Just 10 Months

A six-year-old art genius who began painting at just 10 months old has amazed critics with his first public exhibition. Bento Benatti fell in love with art as a baby…

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Read more about the article Serial 95-Year-Old Holocaust Denier Who Claims Auschwitz Gas Chambers Didn’t Exist
Image shows Ursula Haverbeck, 95, at the Hamburg District Court, Germany, undated photo. She was sentenced to one year and four months in prison on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (Newsflash)

Serial 95-Year-Old Holocaust Denier Who Claims Auschwitz Gas Chambers Didn’t Exist

A Nazi grandma who married an SS official and spent decades denying the Holocaust has been sentenced to jail again for claiming Auschwitz was never a death camp. Judges at…

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Read more about the article Hunt For Thug Who Shot Cat Through Neck With Arrow
Image shows the cat, undated photo. It was rescued after animal abusers pierced it with an arrow through its neck in Usingen, Hessen State, Germany, June 17, 2024. (Tierschutzengel RheinMain eV, animal protection Frankfurt & fawn rescue/Newsflash)

Hunt For Thug Who Shot Cat Through Neck With Arrow

Pet puss shows how it saved one of its nine lives by just a whisker when it was shot through the neck with an arrow. Heartbreaking capture camera footage recorded…

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