Read more about the article Smuggler Seized With Ancient GBP 1.2 Million Mosaic Of Virgin Mary From Time Of Christ
Photo shows 2,000-year-old mosaic of Virgin Mary, undated. The artefact was retrieved by police while searching the home of illegal smuggler S.K. 29, who tried to sell it for TRY 50 million (GBP 1.2 million) in Manisa, Turkey. (Mehmet Ersoy/Newsflash)

Smuggler Seized With Ancient GBP 1.2 Million Mosaic Of Virgin Mary From Time Of Christ

An ancient mosaic dating back 2,000 years to the time of Christ and showing the face of the Virgin Mary has been seized from a smuggler in Turkey who was…

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Read more about the article Rare Coin From 2,000-Year-Old Jewish Revolt Against Romans Discovered In Judean Desert
Photo shows Elazar HaCohen coin, undated. The coin dating back nearly two millennia has been discovered in the Judean Desert. (Emil Eljam, Israel Antiquities Authority/Newsflash)

Rare Coin From 2,000-Year-Old Jewish Revolt Against Romans Discovered In Judean Desert

A rare coin dating back 2,000 years to a Jewish revolt against the Romans has been discovered in the Judaean desert bearing the inscription "Year one of the redemption of…

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Read more about the article Experts Say 2,000-Year-Old Stone Box Was Used By Merchants To Measure Goods
Photo shows a box discovered during the Israel Antiquities Authority excavations in the City of David, Jerusalem, Israel, undated. The multi-compartment container, carved out of soft limestone around 2,000 years ago. (Zohar Shemesh, Israel Museum, Jerusalem/Newsflash)

Experts Say 2,000-Year-Old Stone Box Was Used By Merchants To Measure Goods

A 2,000-year-old stone box unearthed burned and damaged in Israel's ancient City of David was probably a casualty of a revolt against Roman invaders by occupied Jews, say experts. The…

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Read more about the article Base Of Caesar’s Legendary Roman Legion That Fought Gaul Is Uncovered
Photo shows the excavation area in Megiddo, undated. Buildings, roads in huge, complete Roman-era military base revealed by excavations. (Emil Algam, Israel Antiquities Authority/Newsflash)

Base Of Caesar’s Legendary Roman Legion That Fought Gaul Is Uncovered

A huge 1,800-year-old army barracks that would have been home to an elite force of legendary Roman legionnaires that defeated the Gauls from the time of Asterix and which was…

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Read more about the article Israeli Soldier On Two-Day Hike Finds Priceless 2,800-Year-Old Scarab Carved Into Precious Stone
Photo shows a 2,800-year-old scarab seal found in Lower Galilee, Israel, undated. The seal has a beetle shape. (Anastasia Shapiro, Israel Antiquities Authority/Newsflash)

Israeli Soldier On Two-Day Hike Finds Priceless 2,800-Year-Old Scarab Carved Into Precious Stone

An Israeli soldier who went for a hike in the rain while taking a two-day break from the army discovered an almost 3,000-year-old scarab beetle carved into a precious stone…

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Read more about the article Rare 2,550-Year-Old Silver Coin Found In Judean Hills
Rare silver coin dating from the Persian period (5-6th Centuries BCE), discovered in a First Temple-era house in the Judean Hills, in an image released on January 17, 2024. A small arrowhead was also discovered at the site. (Emil Aladjem, Israel Antiquities Authority/Newsflash)

Rare 2,550-Year-Old Silver Coin Found In Judean Hills

A rare 2,250-year-old silver coin that would have been one of the earliest coins ever made has been found in Israel. The coin, which is said to date back to…

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Read more about the article Location Of Fortress Of Mad King Built To Hide From Jews He Had Persecuted May Have Been Found
Photo shows the ancient roof tile fragments discovered at the Givati Parking Lot Excavation in the City of David in Jerusalem, Israel, undated. They were reportedly brought there at the time of the Greek Seleucid king Antiochus IV. (Eliyahu Yannai, City of David National Park/Newsflash)

Location Of Fortress Of Mad King Built To Hide From Jews He Had Persecuted May Have Been Found

Ancient roof tiles in Israel have been discovered in the City of David, which point to the location of an ancient fortress built by King Antiochus IV, who persecuted the…

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Read more about the article Archaelogists Unearth 7,000-Year-Old Arms Dump In Israel
Photo shows the ancient slingstones, the earliest evidence of warfare and organized arming in the Southern Levant, and specifically in the area of modern Israel, undated. It is revealed that there was mass production of weapons as long as about 7,200 years ago. (Emil Aladjem, Israel Antiquities Authority/Newsflash)

Archaelogists Unearth 7,000-Year-Old Arms Dump In Israel

Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed the earliest known evidence of war in the region dating back more than 7,000 years. A study of hundreds of sling stones has revealed they…

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Read more about the article 5,000-Year-Old Wine In Ancient Queen’s Tomb Shows She Could Be Egypt’s First Pharaoh
Photo shows the tomb complex of Queen Meret-Neith in Abydos during excavation. The queen's burial chamber is located in the center of the complex and is surrounded by the side graves of the courtiers and servants. (EC Kohler/Newsflash)

5,000-Year-Old Wine In Ancient Queen’s Tomb Shows She Could Be Egypt’s First Pharaoh

Secrets of Egypt's first-ever female pharaoh have been unearthed after archaeologists unlocked hidden treasures of her ancient royal grave. The status of Queen Meret-Neith, a former consort in Egypt's First…

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