Respect for the Privacy of Private Life

Story by Ajda Ender

There are violations of rights against the privacy of private life in the world.

In societies, people’s private lives are watched, and their privacy is violated.

Uneducated, unhappy people with no life of their own commit crimes by making toxic comments about people’s lives.

People who do not have a life of their own and feel worthless gossip about people’s private lives in society.

In societies, people cannot live their private lives in the apartments they live in due to the toxic discourses of their neighbors.

Those who watch people’s homes and private lives, use hate language and make hate speech about people’s lives, commit crimes that violate the privacy of their private lives.

People who do not have a general culture level in societies watch people’s private lives, they make hate speech about their private lives,

The gossip culture, which has become traditional for years, inflicts emotional and psychological violence on people in societies.

Traditional gossip culture puts pressure on people

Crimes that violate the privacy of people’s private life in society are legitimized.

People who make derogatory comments about people’s private lives in public have been legitimizing the language of hate for years.

Emotional violence is applied against the person by asking private life questions that should not be asked to people in the society.

Using hate language against private life gives rise to hate crimes.

Criminals who drag the society into crimes of hatred by making poisonous statements about the private lives of people should be punished by law.

In world societies, people should respect private life.

The European Convention on Human Rights states that people’s private lives should be respected.

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