Read more about the article Tonnes Of Toxic Stone Tainted With Arsenic Dumped In Beautiful Old Lake
Image shows Lake Uri, in Switzerland, undated photo. A 3,000-tonne rock contaminated with heavy metals ended up in it during the construction of a tunnel. (NF/newsX)

Tonnes Of Toxic Stone Tainted With Arsenic Dumped In Beautiful Old Lake

Red-faced engineers have confessed to dumping 3,000 tonnes of rock contaminated with poisonous arsenic into one of the world's greatest beauty spots. The rock, from a new tube train tunnel…

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Read more about the article Eight Million Bees Drop In Mystery Mass Death
Picture shows some of the almost 8 million bees found died on a rural property in Maua da Serra, Brazil, in January, 2023. The suspicion is that some product used in pesticides caused the deaths. (IDR/CEN)

Eight Million Bees Drop In Mystery Mass Death

A whopping eight million bees have been found dead on a farm in Brazil, with officials suspecting they were killed in a mass poisoning. The mass death occurred on a…

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Read more about the article Boy Dies After Seven Heart Attacks From Sting
Luiz Miguel Furtado Barbosa, aged 7, poses in undated photo. He died after he was bitten by a scorpion in the municipality of Anhembi, in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 25, 2022. (Newsflash)

Boy Dies After Seven Heart Attacks From Sting

A seven-year-old boy died after he suffered seven heart attacks when he was stung by a one of the most toxic scorpions in South America. Luiz Miguel Furtado Barbosa from…

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Read more about the article WWII Ship Sunk By RAF Is Leaking Dangerous Pollutants Into Sea
Image shows the torn deck plating of the V 1302 John Mahn that was damaged by the bomb that hit amidships, undated photo. Belgian scientists found out that the shipwreck leaked many pollutants into the sea, changing the ocean floor around it. (VLIZ/Newsflash)

WWII Ship Sunk By RAF Is Leaking Dangerous Pollutants Into Sea

A Nazi patrol boat sunk by the RAF in World War II is leaking toxic pollutants into the sea and is set to be even more dangerous as it rusts…

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Read more about the article Scientists Create Material That Can Scrub Polluted Air Clean
Professor Michael Zaworotko, Bernal Chair of Crystal Engineering and Science Foundation of Ireland Research Professor at University of Limerick’s Bernal Institute. (True Media/Sean Curtin/Newsflash)

Scientists Create Material That Can Scrub Polluted Air Clean

New sponge-like material has been invented by scientists in Ireland that can absorb toxic benzene from polluted air. Benzene is classified as a carcinogen which increases the risk of cancer…

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Read more about the article British Consulate General In Duesseldorf Receives Poison Laced Letter Demanding Release Of Julian Assange
Dusseldorf, Germany, where a letter contained a toxic substance and a threatening note that allegedly asked the British authorities not to extradite the imprisoned Julian Assange to the US authorities was sent to the British consulate and is being investigated. (Google Maps/Newsflash)

British Consulate General In Duesseldorf Receives Poison Laced Letter Demanding Release Of Julian Assange

The British Consulate-General in Duesseldorf has received a poison-laced letter demanding the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from Belmarsh prison. The suspicious letter was reportedly received by the Consulate-General…

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Read more about the article Moth Species Found To Have Survived Trapped On Alpine Mountainside Since Last Ice Age
The newly discovered alpine rose leaf miner which was found in the Alps. (Juerg Schmid/Newsflash)

Moth Species Found To Have Survived Trapped On Alpine Mountainside Since Last Ice Age

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This beautiful speckled white moth is of a previously unknown population that has survived isolated hundreds of miles from any similar moths since the last ice age, 12,000 years ago,…

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Read more about the article New British Study Finds Large Amounts Of Toxic Chemicals Like Copper And Lead In The North Atlantic
The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) is fitted with silk meshes and towed in surface waters similar to the spaces occupied by marine mammals. (Marine Biological Association/Newsflash)

New British Study Finds Large Amounts Of Toxic Chemicals Like Copper And Lead In The North Atlantic

A new British study has found large amounts of toxic chemicals such as copper and lead in the North Atlantic potentially poisoning the fish that eventually end up on our…

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Read more about the article Man Accidentally Glues Girlfriends Eye Shut After Confusing Superglue For Her Eye Drops
Regina Amorim (55) who receive super glue instead of eye drops in her eyes, in September 2021 in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim in Espirito Santo in Brazil.

Man Accidentally Glues Girlfriends Eye Shut After Confusing Superglue For Her Eye Drops

A man has accidentally glued his girlfriend's eye completely shut after he mixed up her eye drops with superglue and dropped the toxic substance directly into her right eye. Regina…

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