Read more about the article Vet Saves Hunting Dog After Eating Meat Spiked With Razor Blade
Image shows hunting dog Friedwart, undated photo. He had an emergency surgery after eating a piece of meat spiked with a razor blade in Wanfried, Hesse State, Germany, on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024. (NF/newsX)

Vet Saves Hunting Dog After Eating Meat Spiked With Razor Blade

These images show how a hunting dog was saved by a vet after he ate a piece of meat that had been spiked with a razor blade. Hunting dog Friedwart,…

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Read more about the article Vets Operate To Remove Children’s Playthings Eaten By Greedy Dog
Photo shows toys removed from a dog at the state veterinary clinic of Kanavinsky district, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. The dog swallowed and hid the toys in itself out of greed. (@nnovvet/Newsflash)

Vets Operate To Remove Children’s Playthings Eaten By Greedy Dog

Selection of toys removed from a dog's stomach. The pup was only saved when vets carried out an urgent operation to remove the toys that the white Samoyed dog had…

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Read more about the article Surgeons Remove Massive Nail Swallowed By Three-Year-Old
Photo shows X-ray of stomach with a nail of 3-year-old patient from Almetyevsk, Tatarstan, Russia, undated. Toddler swallowed the nail while playing. (@adgbpc/Newsflash)

Surgeons Remove Massive Nail Swallowed By Three-Year-Old

Surgeons in Russia have told how they pulled a massive nail from a three-year-old boy's stomach after he swallowed it to see what would happen. The boy's horrified mum rushed…

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Read more about the article Docs Save Boy, 2, Who Swallowed Key That Slid Into His Stomach
Photo shows an x-ray of a two-half-year-old boy who swallowed a five cm long key while playing on a hanging chair in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, Friday, Jul. 5, 2024. It was finally removed through gastroscopy. (AsiaWire)

Docs Save Boy, 2, Who Swallowed Key That Slid Into His Stomach

A child aged two has been saved after he swallowed a two-inch-long key while playing with it. The incident occurred in Taiyuan city of Shanxi Province, China, local media reported…

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Read more about the article Vets Battle To Save Life Of Vulnerable Young Loggerhead Turtle Seriously Injured By Boat Propeller
Picture shows the rescued turtle, undated. The animal was seriously injured by a propeller in the Lujan River area, Argentina. (Fundacion Mundo Marino/Newsflash)

Vets Battle To Save Life Of Vulnerable Young Loggerhead Turtle Seriously Injured By Boat Propeller

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Poor juvenile loggerhead sea turtle that was badly mangled and had its jaw smashed by a boat propeller, with vets at a marine wildlife centre now battling…

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Read more about the article Surgeons Remove 26 Coins From Stomach Of Man Who Swallowed Them Decades Ago As A Child
Photo shows coins removed from the patient's stomach by Rostov surgeon in Ivanivka village, Kherson Oblast, Ukraine, undated. The patient swallowed coins in early childhood. (@minzdravrostov/Newsflash)

Surgeons Remove 26 Coins From Stomach Of Man Who Swallowed Them Decades Ago As A Child

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Shocked surgeons have removed 26 coins from the stomach of a man who swallowed them decades ago when he was a young child. The unnamed 25-year-old patient…

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Read more about the article Two-Headed Western Rat Snake Called Tiger-Lily Undergoes Surgery To Have Ovaries Removed
Picture shows the two-headed snake Tiger-Lily, undated. They have a health issue. (MDC/Newsflash)

Two-Headed Western Rat Snake Called Tiger-Lily Undergoes Surgery To Have Ovaries Removed

A rare two-headed western rat snake called Tiger-Lily is doing well after surgery to remove her ovaries after they became inflamed. The delicate operation took place recently at the Missouri…

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Read more about the article Surgeons Remove 418 Kidney Stones From 60-Year-Old Patient
Picture shows the 418 kidney stones, undated. Doctors successfully removed 418 kidney stones from a patient with only 27% kidney function in Hyderabad, India. (AsiaWire)

Surgeons Remove 418 Kidney Stones From 60-Year-Old Patient

A team of expert urologists have removed a shocking total of 418 stones from a 60-year-old patient's kidney, it has emerged. The patient, named Mallesh in local media, had only…

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Read more about the article Elderly Man’s Dentures Lodged In Stomach After Swallowing Them While Eating Sweet Potatoes
An old man is saved after accidentally swallowing his denture while eating sweet potatoes in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, undated. The denture was 7 centimeters wide. (AsiaWire)

Elderly Man’s Dentures Lodged In Stomach After Swallowing Them While Eating Sweet Potatoes

An elderly man's dentures have been found lodged inside his stomach after he swallowed them during a tasty meal. The peculiar incident unfolded when the 65-year-old man from the city…

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Read more about the article Man Swallows 76 Coins And Magnets Thinking It Would Help With ‘Body-Building’
Picture shows the 39 coins and 37 magnets, undated. A 26-year-old patient swallowed them and had to have them removed surgically. (AsiaWire)

Man Swallows 76 Coins And Magnets Thinking It Would Help With ‘Body-Building’

A young man shocked doctors after they discovered 39 coins and 37 magnets in his stomach that he purposely swallowed to help him "build muscle". The 26-year-old man was rushed…

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