Read more about the article Swiss Zoo Opens New Conservation Centre For Threatened Bird Species
The new centre for species protection named Ornis located in the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland. (L3P Architekten/Newsflash)

Swiss Zoo Opens New Conservation Centre For Threatened Bird Species

A Swiss zoo has opened a new conservation centre for threatened bird species. The zoo in Zurich in northern Switzerland said in a statement that it is "stepping up its…

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Read more about the article Experts Study Rare African Parchment In Search Of Clues About The Evolution Of Writing
The transformation of indigenous symbols into Vai letters. (Momolu Massaquoi (1911)/Newsflash)

Experts Study Rare African Parchment In Search Of Clues About The Evolution Of Writing

Experts have studied a rare African parchment in their search for clues about the evolution of writing, which they say has evolved "to become simpler and more efficient". The Max…

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Read more about the article Rare Fish Species Thought Extinct Locally Rediscovered In Ohio River For 1st Time Since 1939
Longhead darter, a species thought to be locally extinct, rediscovered in the Ohio River, Ohio state in USA, for the first time since 1939. (@ohiodivisionofwildlife/Newsflash)

Rare Fish Species Thought Extinct Locally Rediscovered In Ohio River For 1st Time Since 1939

A little-known fish thought to be extinct locally has been rediscovered in the Ohio River for the first time since 1939. The rare fish, known as a Longhead darter (Percina…

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Read more about the article Fear Grows As 2 Young Bearded Vultures Released In National Park After 140 Years Disappear
The release of the two Bearded Vultures in the Berchtesgaden National Park in Germany. (Hansruedi Weyrich/Newsflash)

Fear Grows As 2 Young Bearded Vultures Released In National Park After 140 Years Disappear

Fears are growing after two young bearded vultures that were released into a national park in Germany for the first time in 140 years appear to have vanished. Greenpeace said…

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Read more about the article Four New Viruses Discovered In Rare Giant Tortoises In The Galapagos Islands After COVID-Style Tests
Illustrative image: Scientists discover novel viruses in Galapagos giant tortoises. (Juan Manuel García, CDF/Newsflash)

Four New Viruses Discovered In Rare Giant Tortoises In The Galapagos Islands After COVID-Style Tests

Four new viruses have been discovered in giant tortoises is in the Galapagos Islands after 454 of the animals underwent COVID-style testing. The research showed that the infected animals live…

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Read more about the article German Cops Arrest Chameleon After Greengrocer Finds It Hiding Among Cauliflowers
The chameleon found by a greengrocer in cauliflower, in Bilsen, Germany, on 30th December. (Polizeidirektion Bad Segeberg/Newsflash)

German Cops Arrest Chameleon After Greengrocer Finds It Hiding Among Cauliflowers

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German police have ‘arrested’ a frightened little chameleon after a greengrocer found it hiding among his cauliflowers. The colourful chap was found in the village of Bilsen in the northernmost…

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Read more about the article Mayan Pots Used To Collect Water From Stalactites Found Still In Cave A Thousand Years Later
One of the archaeological objects found in the cave, which have been dated to the Late Postclassic period of the Maya (1200-1550 AD), near Chemuyil, Mexico, in November, 2021. (Antonio Reyes-INAH-Quintana Roo/Newsflash)

Mayan Pots Used To Collect Water From Stalactites Found Still In Cave A Thousand Years Later

Experts have found Mayan pots that were placed under stalactites to collect water in a cave almost a thousand years ago and were still in the cave today. One of…

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