Read more about the article German City Introduces Pizza Box Recycling Bins To Combat Littering
Image shows a pizza box, undated photo. They were set in the city of Erfurt, Germany, in a bid to battle littering. (City Administration of Erfurt/Newsflash)

German City Introduces Pizza Box Recycling Bins To Combat Littering

A city in Germany has come up with a creative way to combat littering by introducing pizza recycling bins for the oversized boxes in several locations. The so-called Pizzaboxes were…

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Read more about the article Mysterious Smoke Circle In Sky Baffles People In Chinese City
A huge unknown black circle appears in the sky of Shaanxi, China, Monday, June 17, 2024. It lasted for about 5 minutes before dissipating. (SMWP1224/AsiaWire)

Mysterious Smoke Circle In Sky Baffles People In Chinese City

Huge black circle appeared in the sky above a Chinese city. The footage shot from various angles was reportedly taken in the prefecture-level city of Yulin, located in the Shanbei…

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Read more about the article Lost Vulture Drops In At Tower Block Apartment
Rei del Cause looking trough a window sill in Poznan, Poland, on May 28 , 2024. It was rescued and released in the Cevennes National Park, France, on Monday May 9, 2024. (Maciej Mleczko/Newsflash)

Lost Vulture Drops In At Tower Block Apartment

The prey and display moment a huge lost vulture drops in at a tower block kitchen window in Poland. The bearded vulture had been released into the wild in France…

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Read more about the article Man Captures Rare Ultra-Partial Rain Pouring Down Over One Tiny Part Of Street
It rains only on a small part of a street in Xiangtan, Hunan, China, undated. The video was posted on Douyin the Chinese version of TikTok. (H8888M8888G8888/AsiaWire)

Man Captures Rare Ultra-Partial Rain Pouring Down Over One Tiny Part Of Street

A man encountered a rare phenomenon while out on a night city stroll as he spotted a sudden downpour of rain falling only over a very small part of the…

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Read more about the article Hundreds Of Firefighters Battle Huge Blaze Threatening City
Picture shows a firefighter battling the wildfire in Simon's Town, South Africa, in December, 2023. Residents were evacuated and 300 firefighters were involved. (Gunnar Oberhosel, @theglobetrotterguy/Newsflash)

Hundreds Of Firefighters Battle Huge Blaze Threatening City

These images show a huge wildfire on the edge of Cape Town in South Africa that was threatening to engulf parts of the city last week and which is still…

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Read more about the article German City Council Gives Green Light To Kill Pigeons By Breaking Their Necks
Photo shows a pigeon, undated. Limburg wants to reduce the number of pigeons in the city by breaking their necks. (Newsflash)

German City Council Gives Green Light To Kill Pigeons By Breaking Their Necks

A German city council has given the green light to kill pigeons by breaking their necks. The City Council in Limburg, the German state of Hesse, has voted in favour…

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Read more about the article Dark Cloud Of Countless Birds Circling Causes Fear Of Disaster
A large number of unknown birds are circling in a place in Inner Mongolia, China, undated. Scientists believe that it may be a migration behavior. (qianqianmamaya./AsiaWire)

Dark Cloud Of Countless Birds Circling Causes Fear Of Disaster

Hundreds of black birds swarm over city streets and fly around in circles, causing concerns among many online users of an oncoming natural disaster. The ominous sight was filmed by…

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Read more about the article World’s Greenest City Stops Cutting Grass To Help Bees And Other Wildlife
Picture shows Kongresssiedlung estate, in Vienna, Austria, undated. The tenants at the estate have convinced officials to reconsider their strict lawn-mowing procedures to support the flora and fauna. (Newsflash)

World’s Greenest City Stops Cutting Grass To Help Bees And Other Wildlife

The world's greenest city has agreed a further reduction to its lawnmowing policy to protect wild plants and animals in the Austiran capital Vienna. The council added the new location…

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Read more about the article City Council Offers Free Hotel And Health Spa For Potted Pals
Picture shows the Plant Hospital in Pozuelo de Alarcon, Spain, undated. The City Council organized the first plant hospital and nursery so that the residents of the Madrid town can go on vacation without worrying about what they will do with the plants in their home. (Newsflash)

City Council Offers Free Hotel And Health Spa For Potted Pals

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The heatwave may be bad news for plants one Spanish city is doing its bit after setting up a hotel and health spa for plants to have a relaxing break…

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