Identical Triplets Born In Brazil Leave Hospital

These adorable identical triplets have gone home with their parents after spending over a month in hospital.

The newborn brothers were discharged from hospital in the Brazilian municipality of Blumenau on the afternoon of 4th December.

They had spent a month and five days in hospital after they were born naturally, a rare occurrence in the case of triplets.

Davi, Gael, and Thomas were taken home to the nearby municipality of Rodeio by their parents Taiza Priscila Kruger and Itamar Antunes, both 29.

During their time in the neonatal intensive care unit, the premature newborns gained weight, were bathed regularly, and even received music therapy.

Credit: Hospital Santo Antonio/Newsflash
The identical triplets, Thomas, Gael and Davi at the hospital

The triplets are the couple’s first children.

Kruger told local media: “I have relatives with twins, but I never thought I would have twins. It was actually a shock, a big surprise to find out there were three.”

According to the Santo Antonio Hospital, where the boys were born, identical triplets occur twice in every million births.

The phenomenon occurs when a fertilised egg splits into three, or splits into two and one of the two splits again.

Monozygotic triplet pregnancies carry a number of risks including pre-eclampsia, preterm labour, and transfusion syndrome.

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Story By: William McGee, Sub-Editor:  Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash

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