Read more about the article World’s Oldest Zoo Shows Off Adorable Two-Toed Sloth Baby
Image shows the two-toed sloth offspring, undated photo. It was born in Schoenbrunn Zoo, Vienna, Austria. (Daniel Zupanc/NF/newsX)

World’s Oldest Zoo Shows Off Adorable Two-Toed Sloth Baby

The world’s oldest zoo has delighted visitors by sharing the first glimpses of its adorable newborn two-toed sloth. Officials at Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, revealed that the pair of…

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Read more about the article Germany’s Favourite Giant Panda Twins Officially Named Leni And Lotti
Image shows giant panda twins Leni and Lotti, undated photo. Their names were revealed in an official ceremony at Berlin Zoo, Germany. (Berlin Zoo/NF/newsX)

Germany’s Favourite Giant Panda Twins Officially Named Leni And Lotti

Germany's Berlin Zoo has revealed the names of the two newborn panda twins in a special naming ceremony held last week. The twin sisters were officially named Meng Hao ("Beautiful…

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Read more about the article World’s Oldest Zoo Welcomes Adorable Giraffe Calf
Image shows the giraffe calf, undated photo. It was born at Schoenbrunn Zoo, in Vienna, Austria, on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024. (Schoenbrunn Zoo/NF/newsX)

World’s Oldest Zoo Welcomes Adorable Giraffe Calf

These images show an adorable baby giraffe that was recently welcomed at the world's oldest zoo taking its first steps and snuggling up to mum. Officials at Schoenbrunn Zoo, in…

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Read more about the article Adorable Newborn Giant Panda Twins Grow First Set Of Teeth
Image shows one of the two panda cubs' set of teeth, undated photo. The two female pandas were born in Berlin Zoo, Germany, on Aug. 22, 2024. (Berlin Zoo/NF/newsX)

Adorable Newborn Giant Panda Twins Grow First Set Of Teeth

Germany's favourite panda twins have grown their first set of teeth three months after they were born. Zookeepers at Berlin Zoo in Germany made the exciting discovery when they observed…

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Read more about the article Heartwarming Moment Newborn Baby Gorilla Snuggles With Mum And Dad
Image shows the baby gorilla and its mum, undated photo. The little one was born at Schmiding Zoo, in Krenglbach, Austria, July, 2024. (Zoo Schmiding/Newsflash)

Heartwarming Moment Newborn Baby Gorilla Snuggles With Mum And Dad

Wildlife fans going ape when a mother gorilla cradles her three-week-old baby. The tender footage, filmed at Schmiding Zoo, Krenglbach, Austria, on 29th July, shows mum Kibibi leaning back to…

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Read more about the article Heartwarming Images Show Proud Chimp Mum Radiating With Happiness As She Cuddles Newborn
Image shows 13-year-old female chimpanzee Chang with her newborn, undated photo. The little one was born on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (Leipzig Zoo/Newsflash)

Heartwarming Images Show Proud Chimp Mum Radiating With Happiness As She Cuddles Newborn

A critically endangered chimp mum beaming with joy after showing zoo visitors her newborn baby after the loss of her first baby during delivery last year. Images captured at the…

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Read more about the article Tiny Two-Day-Old Puppy Becomes Stiff As A Board After Feeding
A two-day-old puppy got stiff after feeding and needed artificial respiration in Bozhou, Anhui on May 18 2024. (cku corgi kennel/AsiaWire)

Tiny Two-Day-Old Puppy Becomes Stiff As A Board After Feeding

A tiny, two-day-old puppy became stiff as a board after feeding. The incident took place in Bozhou, in China's Anhui, on 18th May, with the footage showing the tiny puppy…

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Read more about the article Adorable Clip Shows Critically Endangered Newborn Sumatran Tiger Cubs Cuddling Up With Mum
Picture shows Sumatran tiger couple Mayang and Jae Jae, undated. They have two cubs. (Tierpark Berlin/Newsflash)

Adorable Clip Shows Critically Endangered Newborn Sumatran Tiger Cubs Cuddling Up With Mum

Critically endangered newborn Sumatran tiger cubs cuddle up with their mum. The video shows one of the tigers feeding from its mother while she cleans it while the other tiger…

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Read more about the article World’s Oldest Zoo Welcomes World’s Slowest Baby
Photo shows a sloth cub born at Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, undated. The cub was born on Aug. 20, 2023, and was hidden in the mother's protective peritoneum. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

World’s Oldest Zoo Welcomes World’s Slowest Baby

The adorable footage shows the moment a newborn two-toed sloth snuggles into its mum's fur as visitors at the oldest zoo in the world see it for the first time.…

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Read more about the article Newborn Seal Pup’s Loving Display With Mum
Image shows the adorable seal pup and its mum, undated photo. It was born at the Zurich Zoo, in Switzerland, on June 28, 2023. (Zurich Zoo, Enzo Franchini/Newsflash)

Newborn Seal Pup’s Loving Display With Mum

Newborn harbour seal pup snuggles up to its mother just hours after it came into the world. The pup and its mum delighted crowds at Zurich Zoo in Switzerland when…

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