Traditional Sexist Social Pressures, Secret Second Life, Secret Relationships

Story by Ajda Ender

In traditional heterosexist society, people hide their sexual identity due to social pressures. Sexist hate speech and violence in the society cause people to hide their sexual identity.

LGBTI people hide their sexual identity due to social violence, they cannot live their sexual identity.

LGBTI individuals who forcibly marry by hiding their sexual identity due to the violence inflicted by their families have to live with their secret sexual identities. People who live in patriarchal violence by hiding their sexual identity have to live unhappy and depressed lives.

People who had to marry by hiding their gender identity due to gender violence experience their hidden gender identity in secret relationships when they get People who live their secret sexual identity by hiding behind the concept of family live unhappy marriagesmarried.

People who hide their sexual identity in heteronormative society use hate speech because they cannot live their sexual identity.

People who cannot live their gender identity are violent in society .

Due to the violence inflicted by the society, people are forced to live secret second lives due to their secret sexual identity.

In heterosexist society, people have secret relationships due to their hidden gender identity.

Hidden LGBTI people hide their gender identity from their families and society for fear of violence.

People are forced to live with their secret sexual identities for fear of violence in society in business life. Violence and hate speech is made against gender identities in the business world and society.

Gender oppression, violence against sexual identities and hate speech, discrimination crimes should be punished by law.

Society must respect people’s gender identity.

Gender discrimination and hate crimes should be punished by law.

Sexist hate speech in society is a crime.

Gender identity discrimination is a crime in the European court of human rights.

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