Read more about the article Aldi Customers Who Bought Famous Artist’s Work In Supermarket For Under EUR 25 To Sell It For EUR 5.2 Million
Cosmogolem, Giant of Hope, 42 x 32 cm, 2024. Aldi customers in Belgium bought Vanmechelen's artwork for 25 euros. (ID/Lieven Van Assche/NF/newsX)

Aldi Customers Who Bought Famous Artist’s Work In Supermarket For Under EUR 25 To Sell It For EUR 5.2 Million

Aldi customers who bought a number of paintings by a famous artist in the supermarket for next to nothing are selling them online for exorbitant prices, including one going for…

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Read more about the article Seafood Shopper’s Revenge On Supermarket
Photo shows a hook lodged into a squid, undated. A customer claimed to find a scary-looking metal hook in a pack of frozen squid bought from a Sheng Siong supermarket in Bukit Batok in Singapore. (Newsflash)

Seafood Shopper’s Revenge On Supermarket

A furious shopper has shamed a supermarket after it sold her a frozen squid with a vicious hook still stuck in it. The horrified punter, who has not been named,…

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Read more about the article Seafood Shopper’s Revenge On Supermarket
Photo shows a hook lodged into a squid, undated. A customer claimed to find a scary-looking metal hook in a pack of frozen squid bought from a Sheng Siong supermarket in Bukit Batok in Singapore. (Newsflash)

Seafood Shopper’s Revenge On Supermarket

A furious shopper has shamed a supermarket after it sold her a frozen squid with a vicious hook still stuck in it. The horrified punter, who has not been named,…

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Read more about the article Seafood Counter Crabs Break Out Of Their Packaging
Crabs try to escape from trays for sale at a fish market in Rikuzentakata, Japan, undated. It was reportedly a normal scene for the store clerk. (@VOadiSZgkzlDpxv/CEN)

Seafood Counter Crabs Break Out Of Their Packaging

Crabs that were supposed to be dead break out of their containers on the chiller counter of a supermarket fish counter. The freshly caught crabs were still a bit too…

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Read more about the article Woman Finds Cute Baby Gecko In Her Supermarket Groceries
Photo shows a gecko, undated. A woman reportedly found a gecko in her bag of groceries in Krakow, Poland. (Krakowskie Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzetami/Newsflash)

Woman Finds Cute Baby Gecko In Her Supermarket Groceries

A woman found this cute, stowaway baby gecko in a cabbage she bought from the supermarket. It is currently unclear where exactly the gecko came from, but it was found…

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Read more about the article Shocking Abuse At Lidl’s Poultry Suppliers
Picture shows an injured chick, undated. NGO Equalia recorded the mistreatment suffered by thousands of chickens in two poultry farms in Seville and Tarragona, Spain. (Equalia/Newsflash )

Shocking Abuse At Lidl’s Poultry Suppliers

These shocking images show the horrific abuse and conditions suffered by chickens on two poultry farms in Spain. Both farms - in Seville and in Tarragona Provinces - are said…

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Read more about the article Huge Venomous Tropical Spider With Skull On Its Back Found In Banana Box In Second German Supermarket
An employee of a supermarket in Rees, Germany, discovered an exotic spider in a banana box on 03rd February, 2022. (Kreispolizeibehorde Kleve/Newsflash)

Huge Venomous Tropical Spider With Skull On Its Back Found In Banana Box In Second German Supermarket

A huge, venomous tropical spider with a skull on its back has been found in a second supermarket in Germany by terrified workers, also in a box of bananas from…

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Read more about the article Huge Venomous Tropical Spider With Skull On Its Back Found Among Bananas In German Supermarket
Employees of a supermarket in Krefeld, Germany, discovered the poisonous spider in a banana box from the Dominican Republic on Monday, (1 February). (Feuerwehr Krefeld/Newsflash)

Huge Venomous Tropical Spider With Skull On Its Back Found Among Bananas In German Supermarket

This huge, venomous spider from the tropics with the likeness of a skull on its back has been found in a box of bananas at a German supermarket. The discovery…

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