Read more about the article Jaws-Dropping Record Baby Shark Litter Born In Spain
The 15 new grey shark pups (Carcharhinus plumbeus, born at Oceanografic de Valencia, in Spain, in on 29th April, 2022. (Oceanografic de Valencia/Newsflash)

Jaws-Dropping Record Baby Shark Litter Born In Spain

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A record-breaking litter of rare Sandbar sharks had to be rescued by aquarium keepers to stop them being snapped up by other predators. In the wild, the environmentally threatened shark…

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Read more about the article Prehistoric Giant Sloths Had A Chainmail Armour Made Of A Bone Mesh To Stop Predators Sinking Their Teeth Into Them
Palaeontologists found hundreds of pieces of bone that were immersed inside the dermis of certain large extinct mammals, between 2 and 12 millimetres in diameter, whose age for the area is estimated to be greater than 20,000 years, in San Pedro , Argentina. (Newsflash)

Prehistoric Giant Sloths Had A Chainmail Armour Made Of A Bone Mesh To Stop Predators Sinking Their Teeth Into Them

Prehistoric giant sloths had a chainmail-like armour made of a bone mesh embedded in their skin to stop predators sinking their teeth and claws into them, according to new research.…

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Read more about the article Florida Captain Finds Huge Tooth That Belonged To Prehistoric Megalodon Shark
Michael Nastasio found 6-1/16-inch, monster megalodon tooth just off the coast in Venice, Florida. (@michael.nastasio/Newsflash)

Florida Captain Finds Huge Tooth That Belonged To Prehistoric Megalodon Shark

A Florida boat captain has found a huge tooth that belonged to a prehistoric Megalodon shark. Megalodons, meaning ‘big tooth’, are a now-extinct shark species that graced the Earth's waters…

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Read more about the article Armadillo Lizard Babies That Bite Their Tails And Curl Into Ball Born At Worlds Oldest Zoo
A defensive position of an adult South African armadillo girdled lizard in the Vienna Zoo in Austria. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

Armadillo Lizard Babies That Bite Their Tails And Curl Into Ball Born At Worlds Oldest Zoo

These giant armoured lizard babies that bite their tails and curl up into a ball to protect themselves from predators have been born at the world's oldest zoo in Vienna.…

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Read more about the article Study Finds That Tiger Sharks Are Not Solitary Predators Instead They Pick And Choose Their Friend Groups
A Tiger shark swimming passed a researcher in Tiger Beach, Bahamas, 2021.

Study Finds That Tiger Sharks Are Not Solitary Predators Instead They Pick And Choose Their Friend Groups

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A new study has found that tiger sharks are not completely solitary predators as they actually have social preferences, picking and choosing which sharks to 'hang out with', and for…

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Read more about the article Scuba Diving Lizzard Uses Bubble Of Air On Its Nose To Breath Underwater When Hiding From Predators
The water anole (Anolis aquaticus) is able to breathe underwater for long periods of time to escape from predators - it appears that the species may have formed an underwater respiration system consisting of recycled air bubble that clings to the anole's head.

Scuba Diving Lizzard Uses Bubble Of Air On Its Nose To Breath Underwater When Hiding From Predators

Researchers have found that some lizards use bubbles attached to their noses as 'oxygen tanks' allowing them to spend over a quarter of an hour underwater hiding from predators. In…

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