Read more about the article Boffins Amazed To Find 1,400-Year-Old Folding Chair In Woman’s Grave
Photo shows the approximately 1400-year-old iron folding chair found by archaeologists laying in a woman's grave in Middle Franconia, Germany, undated photo. The iron folding chair has been underground at a depth of around two meters ever since. (BLfD/Newsflash)

Boffins Amazed To Find 1,400-Year-Old Folding Chair In Woman’s Grave

Archaeologists in Germany have unearthed a 1,400-year-old folding chair from an early medieval woman's grave. The surprise find was made in Endsee, Bavaria state, south-eastern Germany, earlier this month. The…

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Read more about the article New Technique Used To Unfreeze 1,300-Year-Old Ice Prince Child’s Grave
The defrosting process of the 1,300-year-old child's grave in the German state of Bavaria. (BLfD/Newsflash)

New Technique Used To Unfreeze 1,300-Year-Old Ice Prince Child’s Grave

Experts have used a new technique to thaw the 1,300-year-old remains of a child dubbed the "Ice Prince" after they froze them with nitrogen to preserve them. The "Ice Prince"…

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Read more about the article Loyal Dog Who Refused To Leave Owners Grave For A Decade Is Laid To Rest In Same Cemetery After Hit And Run Killing
The dog named Bob Coveiro from Brazil, that died after living 10 years at his owners grave. (@bob.coveiro/Newsflash)

Loyal Dog Who Refused To Leave Owners Grave For A Decade Is Laid To Rest In Same Cemetery After Hit And Run Killing

This loyal dog which spent 10 years living in a cemetery following its owner's death has been killed after it was struck by a hit-and-run biker after which it was…

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Read more about the article Mortal Remains Of Boris Johnsons Direct Ancestor Go On Display In Swiss Museum
Anna Catharina Bischoff as she may have looked in 1786, photo montage using scientific facial reconstruction (U. Wittwer-Ofen) and a contemporary portrait - J. Jakob. (H. Belakhal, Basel/Newsflash)

Mortal Remains Of Boris Johnsons Direct Ancestor Go On Display In Swiss Museum

The mortal remains of Boris Johnson's great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother have gone on display in a Swiss museum as part of an exhibition. The mummified remains of a woman were found by…

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Read more about the article Road Left With Holy Mans Grave In The Middle After Builders Agreed Not To Move It
After the landscaping made by the municipality, the only grave left in the middle of the road surprises those who see it in Sivas, Turkey.

Road Left With Holy Mans Grave In The Middle After Builders Agreed Not To Move It

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A new rural road in a Turkish village has surprised motorists after it was left with a grave of a holy man in the middle of it. The bizarre incident…

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Read more about the article Archaeologists Discover Almost Four Millenia Old Gold Ring From Cornwall In German Grave
The gold wire spiral was found in the grave of an Early Bronze Age woman in the municipality of Ammerbuch-Reusten in the Tubingen district in Germany.

Archaeologists Discover Almost Four Millenia Old Gold Ring From Cornwall In German Grave

An Early Bronze Age golden ring which was unearthed from a grave and is believed to originate from Cornwall is the oldest ever golden object discovered in southwestern Germany. Archaeologists…

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