Read more about the article German City Introduces Pizza Box Recycling Bins To Combat Littering
Image shows a pizza box, undated photo. They were set in the city of Erfurt, Germany, in a bid to battle littering. (City Administration of Erfurt/Newsflash)

German City Introduces Pizza Box Recycling Bins To Combat Littering

A city in Germany has come up with a creative way to combat littering by introducing pizza recycling bins for the oversized boxes in several locations. The so-called Pizzaboxes were…

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Read more about the article German Medic Gets Almost Three Years For Selling Fake Vax Certificates
Bianca Witzsche, 67, poses in undated photo. She was jailed for two years and eight months in Dresden, Germany. (@bianca.witzschel/Newsflash)

German Medic Gets Almost Three Years For Selling Fake Vax Certificates

A doctor in Germany has been jailed for nearly three years for providing over 1,000 fake COVID-19 vaccination certificates during the coronavirus pandemic. Dr Bianca Witzsche, 67, is said to…

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Read more about the article German Cold War Era Nuke Bunker Price Tag Slashed
Image shows the bunker advertisement on Ebay, undated photo. The bunker located in the town of Xanten, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany was offered at a price of EUR 1.6 million (GBP 1.4 million) on Sep. 15, 2022. (Ebay/Newsflash)

German Cold War Era Nuke Bunker Price Tag Slashed

A Cold War-era nuclear fallout shelter has had its price slashed by more than half after failing to find a buyer in Germany. The fully operational bunker, in Xanten, in…

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Read more about the article American Fighter Pilot Meets German Airman 79 Years After Both Their Aircraft Were Shot On Same Day
Photo shows Ed Cottrell, 101, an ex-fighter pilot from North Carolina, USA, and Karl-Heinz Bosse, 98, a fighter pilot from Thuringia, undated. The two World War II pilots met for the first time near Bonn, Germany, where Karl-Heinz Bosse was shot down by US planes on December 17, 1944. (@therifle_/CEN)

American Fighter Pilot Meets German Airman 79 Years After Both Their Aircraft Were Shot On Same Day

A 101-year-old American fighter pilot has met a 98-year-old German airman 79 years after they were both shot at on the same day during World War II. Ed Cottrell, from…

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Read more about the article German Sanctuary Offers To Take Bear That Disembowelled Jogger
Image shows the bear sanctuary in the municipality of Bad Fuessing, in Bavaria, Germany, undated photo. The sanctuary submitted a written declaration of intent to the administrative court in Trento, Italy, to save bear Gaia. (Newsflash)

German Sanctuary Offers To Take Bear That Disembowelled Jogger

An animal sanctuary in Germany is trying to save a bear due to be put down in Italy following a fatal attack on a jogger. The bear sanctuary in Bad…

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Read more about the article Sueskinds Perfume Could Come To Life As German Boffins Recreate Smells From The Past
Past scents can be recovered from scent archives by extracting molecules using a variety of different methods according to a research from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History located in the German city of Jena. (Michelle O’Reilly/Newsflash)

Sueskinds Perfume Could Come To Life As German Boffins Recreate Smells From The Past

Fans of the novel 'Perfume' by German author Patrick Sueskind will be able to experience some of the pongs and stenches of the 18th-century world he described, after scientists revealed…

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Read more about the article Podgy Middle-Agers Have Higher Risk of Dementia Says Study
University of Leipzig biologist and sub-project leader in the Collaborative Research Center 1052 "Mechanisms of Obesity" Dr Veronica Witte who investigates obesity causes, prevention and therapy in Germany. (Kerstin Flake/Newsflash)

Podgy Middle-Agers Have Higher Risk of Dementia Says Study

Overweight middle-aged people have a higher risk of suffering from dementia at an advanced age, a German study shows. PD Dr Veronica Witte, 41, is a biologist at Leipzig University.…

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Read more about the article Haunting Wreckage Of Downed British WWII Bomber Where 8 Killed Washes Up On Dutch Beach
Short Stirling MK1, the first four-engined British heavy bomber used in the Second World War. (@Egmond4045/Newsflash)

Haunting Wreckage Of Downed British WWII Bomber Where 8 Killed Washes Up On Dutch Beach

The wreckage of this British World War II bomber that crashed, killing all eight people on board, has washed up on a Dutch beach in what has been described as…

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