Rare Bird Hatchlings Go On Show In Zoo’s Unique Rainforest Biome

Adorable chicks from three species of endangered birds go on show at their rainforest enclosure in Switzerlad.

Keepers at Zurich Zoo released footage of the chicks, still in their fluffy birth feathers, with their watchful parents exploring the huge pond, a replica of their homeland in Madagascar.

The rare chicks – Meller’s ducks (Anas meller), Bernier’s teal (Anas bernieri) and Madagascar ibis (Lophotibis cristata) – were all born earlier this month.

Footage of the hatchlings shows the huge ibis chick, listed as near-threatened on IUCN’s Red List, still in its nest being fed by its caring mum.

Zurich Zoo, Nicole Schnyder/Newsflash

And in the water, the duck and teal chicks follow their parents as they brush up their swimming and diving skills in the zoo’s Masoala rainforest enclosure.

Zoo bosses said in a statement obtained by Newsflash: “Every chick is valuable for the survival of the species.

“Our animal keeper and bird expert Nicolai Becker therefore keeps a close eye on the offspring.

“He keeps stopping, observing, looking through the binoculars, observing again, and, in the best case, moving on, satisfied.

Image shows a near threatened Madagascar ibis (Lophotibis cristata), undated photo. It was captured at Zurich Zoo, Switzerland, July 2024. (Zurich Zoo, Fabio Sueess/Newsflash)

“But he does get nervous now and then, when he sees young animals, but there is no sign of their parents at first glance.”

They added: “Since 1995, Zurich Zoo has been committed to nature and species conservation, education, and research for the real Masoala rainforest in Madagascar.

“With the successful breeding of various endangered species such as the Meller’s duck, the Bernier’s teal, and the Madagascar ibis we are making an important contribution to nature and species conservation.”

The zoo achieved a significant milestone with the world’s first successful breeding and rearing of the Madagascar ibis.

Image shows endangered Meller’s ducks (Anas meller), undated photo. It was captured at the Zurich Zoo, Switzerland, July 2024. (Zurich Zoo, Enzo Franchini/Newsflash)
Image shows a near threatened Madagascar ibis (Lophotibis cristata) mum and her offspring, undated photo. It was captured at Zurich Zoo, Switzerland, July 2024. (Zurich Zoo, Fabio Sueess/Newsflash)

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Story By: Georgina JedikovskaSub-EditorGeorgina JedikovskaAgency: Newsflash

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