Read more about the article World’s Oldest Zoo Shows Off Adorable Two-Toed Sloth Baby
Image shows the two-toed sloth offspring, undated photo. It was born in Schoenbrunn Zoo, Vienna, Austria. (Daniel Zupanc/NF/newsX)

World’s Oldest Zoo Shows Off Adorable Two-Toed Sloth Baby

The world’s oldest zoo has delighted visitors by sharing the first glimpses of its adorable newborn two-toed sloth. Officials at Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, revealed that the pair of…

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Read more about the article Shocking Video Showing Emaciated Crocodile At Zoo Sparks Outrage Over Animal Welfare
Picture shows a crocodile that is so thin that it is just skin and bones in Guangzhou Zoo in China, undated. The video was shared on Douyin - the Chinese version of TikTok on Dec. 5, 2024. (AWR/newsX)

Shocking Video Showing Emaciated Crocodile At Zoo Sparks Outrage Over Animal Welfare

Shocked zoo visitors have accused its management of animal abuse after a video emerged of a skinny crocodile that looks like it had been starved for weeks. The footage, reportedly…

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Read more about the article Panda Finds Acrobatic Way To Scratch Backside In Front Of Giggling Spectators
Male panda Zhui scratches his butt in enclosure at Moscow Zoo, Russia, July 3, 2024. Panda Zhui and Dindin plan to meet again in 2026 for making one more cub. (Moscow Zoo/Newsflash)

Panda Finds Acrobatic Way To Scratch Backside In Front Of Giggling Spectators

Panda with an itch to scratch solves the problem by standing on a swing and using the rope to rub its backside as stunned zoo spectators watch and giggle from…

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Read more about the article World’s Oldest Zoo To Welcome New Panda Couple After Deal With China
Image shows male panda Yuan Yuan, undated photo. Schoenbrunn Zoo officials signed a cooperation agreement on June 26, 2024. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

World’s Oldest Zoo To Welcome New Panda Couple After Deal With China

The oldest zoo in the world will welcome a new panda couple after extending its cooperation with China to keep protecting the rare animals for another decade. The Schoenbrunn Zoo…

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Read more about the article So Few Visitors That Starving Bear Is Fed Carrots As Keepers Cannot Afford Meat
A very skinny black bear walking in its enclosure in a zoo, in Panzhou, China, on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Local authorities are allegedly investigating the matter. (@156320466/AsiaWire)

So Few Visitors That Starving Bear Is Fed Carrots As Keepers Cannot Afford Meat

Zoo visitors have described this starving bear as the saddest in the world after it was revealed that staff could only afford to buy it carrots because meat was too…

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Read more about the article Heartwarming Images Show Proud Chimp Mum Radiating With Happiness As She Cuddles Newborn
Image shows 13-year-old female chimpanzee Chang with her newborn, undated photo. The little one was born on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (Leipzig Zoo/Newsflash)

Heartwarming Images Show Proud Chimp Mum Radiating With Happiness As She Cuddles Newborn

A critically endangered chimp mum beaming with joy after showing zoo visitors her newborn baby after the loss of her first baby during delivery last year. Images captured at the…

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Read more about the article Outrage As Famous 60-year-Old “Welcoming” Tree Attracting Countless Visitors Is Vandalised
The video shows a woman wearing a yellow short-sleeved shirt and holding a kitchen knife stood nearby a silk cotton tree that is more than 60 years old and is known as the "welcoming pine.". The famous internet celebrity tree was cut out illegally in Bianshan Mountain in Xiangyang, Hubei Province on 30 May 2024. (@896723229/Asia Wire)

Outrage As Famous 60-year-Old “Welcoming” Tree Attracting Countless Visitors Is Vandalised

An online-famous 60-year-old tree that drew in countless tourists hoping to get an Insta-worthy photo next to it has been vandalised, sparking fury among locals. Known as the "Xiangyang Welcoming…

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