Read more about the article Better Therapy Hopes As Detection Dogs Sniff It Out
Recent study by a research team from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) shows that dogs previously trained with samples from SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals can recognize samples from post-COVID-19 patients. (Sebastian Meller/Newsflash)

Better Therapy Hopes As Detection Dogs Sniff It Out

COVID-19 detection dogs can also detect Long Covid in people, according to new research by vets in Germany. Scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover found that canines…

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Read more about the article Honeybee Populations Could Be Wiped Out Worldwide By Wing Plague
A picture showing honeycomb from a beehive by the Martin Luther University Halle located in the German town of Wittenberg. (Uni Halle, Markus Scholz/Newsflash)

Honeybee Populations Could Be Wiped Out Worldwide By Wing Plague

The global honeybee population could be endangered by a newly discovered deadly virus, a leading scientist has warned. Prof Dr Robert Paxton from Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg (MLU) in…

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Read more about the article Girl, 1, Youngest Australian To Die With COVID After Passing Away Suddenly In Sleep
Dakota Nenke, 13-month-old girl is the youngest person in Australia to die with Covid-19, when she died on the night of 27th and 28th December, in Adelaide. (Newsflash)

Girl, 1, Youngest Australian To Die With COVID After Passing Away Suddenly In Sleep

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A 13-month-old tot has become the youngest Australian to die with COVID-19 after passing away suddenly in her sleep. The exact cause of Dakota Nenke’s death is currently unknown. However,…

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Read more about the article Holiday Hell As Austria To Ban UK Flights With Britain To Be Categorised As Omicron COVID 19 Hotspot
Plane of British Airways. (Newsflash)

Holiday Hell As Austria To Ban UK Flights With Britain To Be Categorised As Omicron COVID 19 Hotspot

Flights from the UK to Austria could be cancelled as early as Friday, upsetting the winter tourism season, as the Austrian government apparently attempts to reclassify the United Kingdom as…

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Read more about the article Dutchman Arrested For Selling Deadly Coronavirus Online So People Can Give Themselves The Bug
Illustrative photo for Dutch financial police. (Newsflash)

Dutchman Arrested For Selling Deadly Coronavirus Online So People Can Give Themselves The Bug

A Dutchman has been arrested for selling the coronavirus online so that people can give themselves the deadly virus. The man, who was arrested by the Dutch financial police, was…

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Read more about the article Famous Israeli Anti Vaxxer Dies From COVID Aged 57 Still Rejecting The Jab, And Claiming He Was Poisoned By Cops
Hai Shoulian, Israel's most famous anti-vaccination agent dies of Covid on 13 September 2021 in Israel.

Famous Israeli Anti Vaxxer Dies From COVID Aged 57 Still Rejecting The Jab, And Claiming He Was Poisoned By Cops

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One of Israel’s most vocal opponents of the COVID-19 vaccine and related lockdown restrictions has died after catching the virus. Hai Shoulian, 57, died on Monday, just days after he…

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Read more about the article Brazilian Man Who Had Himself Vaccinated Against COVID 5 Times Caught Trying To Get 6th Shot
The vaccination records of a man who is being investigated after allegedly trying to get vaccinated for a sixth time after already receiving five doses of Covid vaccines, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Brazilian Man Who Had Himself Vaccinated Against COVID 5 Times Caught Trying To Get 6th Shot

A Brazilian man who cheated the system and got five COVID-19 vaccines has been caught after he still did not feel 'immune' enough against the virus, and attempted to get…

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Read more about the article Stillborn Baby Whose Mum Was COVID 19 Positive Also Tests Positive For The Virus
Doctor Daniele De Luca who worked on a research paper titled 'Transplacental transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection'.

Stillborn Baby Whose Mum Was COVID 19 Positive Also Tests Positive For The Virus

A stillborn baby was COVID-19 positive after being infected by his mother according to a post mortem carried out by French doctors. The postmortem has confirmed that the dead baby…

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