Read more about the article VW Beetle Graveyard Unearthed By Urban Explorer
Dozens of vintage Volkswagens are hidden inside a mine in Switzerland, undated. A Dutch YouTuber discovered about forty Volkswagen Golfs, Beetles and other cars. (@ExploringtheUnbeatenPath/Newsflash)

VW Beetle Graveyard Unearthed By Urban Explorer

Timewarp collection of classic VW Beetles that will have car fans bugging out at the discovery. Urban explorer Bob Thissen discovered the long-lost hoard as he explored an abandoned Swiss…

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Read more about the article Man Discovers American World War II Grenade While Picking Mushrooms In German Forest
Image shows an American World War II hand grenade, undated photo. It was discovered by a mushroom collector in a forest area in the municipality of Gleichen, in Lower Saxony, Germany in October 2022. (Polizeiinspektion Gottingen/Newsflash)

Man Discovers American World War II Grenade While Picking Mushrooms In German Forest

A man has discovered an American World War II hand grenade while picking mushrooms in a German forest. The incident took place in the municipality of Gleichen, in the district…

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Read more about the article Expert Team In Bid To Determine If Rusty Trike Found In Garage Is Worlds Oldest Car Worth Millions
Hubert Rein, 69, Ost Klassiker Klub chairman, with the vehicle that is being investigated to determinate if its one of the world's oldest car, pictured in Germany. (Newsflash)

Expert Team In Bid To Determine If Rusty Trike Found In Garage Is Worlds Oldest Car Worth Millions

A team of five experts is currently attempting to determine if what looks like a rusty trike that was found in a garage in Germany is in fact the world's…

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Read more about the article Op To Remove Rusty Nail From Carpenters Eyeball After Nail Gun Accident
An x-ray shows a four cm long rusted metal nail stuck in a 21-year-old carpenter's eye while doing his job, successfully removed by a special BDF medical team at Riffa city, Bahrain.

Op To Remove Rusty Nail From Carpenters Eyeball After Nail Gun Accident

These images show how a 1.5-inch rusty nail was removed from a carpenter's eye after it became lodged there during a work accident reportedly involving a nail gun. The successful…

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Read more about the article Rusty Nail Removed From Chinese Carpenters Lung After Swallowing It 2 Years Before
Man accidentally swallowed a nail (pictured after being removed) that was found in his lungs two years later in Guangxi, China.

Rusty Nail Removed From Chinese Carpenters Lung After Swallowing It 2 Years Before

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A Chinese carpenter has had a rusty nail removed from his lung after holding it in his mouth and swallowing it while hammering wooden boards two years before. Mr Li…

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