Read more about the article Painting By Zoo’s Panda Is Top Prize In Lottery For Fans
This is the moment a panda cub paints at Moscow Zoo, Russia in a video posted on Thursday, January 02, 2025. (Moscow Zoo/CZ/newsX)

Painting By Zoo’s Panda Is Top Prize In Lottery For Fans

This is the adorable moment a male panda impresses keepers with his painting skills. The panda called Zhui, who resides at the Moscow Zoo in the Russian capital, was spotted…

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Read more about the article Mischievous Panda Cub Interrupts Mum’s Peaceful Bamboo Snack
Stubborn panda cub Katyusha annoys her mother Ding Ding who just wants to eat bamboo in peace in Moscow Zoo, Russia on Saturday, Dec. 28, 2024. (Moscow Zoo, CZ/newsX)

Mischievous Panda Cub Interrupts Mum’s Peaceful Bamboo Snack

The adorable video showcases a mischievous panda cub interrupting her mum's peaceful bamboo snack and refusing to let her enjoy it in peace. Footage from Moscow Zoo, Russia, shows Katyusha,…

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Read more about the article Giant Panda Cub Battles Massive Chunk Of Snow In Enclosure
Footage shows hilarious panda cub Katyusha desperately fighting with a huge piece of snow in Moscow Zoo, Russia on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2024. (Moscow Zoo, CZ/newsX)

Giant Panda Cub Battles Massive Chunk Of Snow In Enclosure

The adorable video shows a giant panda cub battling a massive chunk of snow in her enclosure. Footage captured in Moscow Zoo, Russia, depictes Katyusha, the first-ever panda born in…

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Read more about the article Germany’s Favourite Giant Panda Twins Officially Named Leni And Lotti
Image shows giant panda twins Leni and Lotti, undated photo. Their names were revealed in an official ceremony at Berlin Zoo, Germany. (Berlin Zoo/NF/newsX)

Germany’s Favourite Giant Panda Twins Officially Named Leni And Lotti

Germany's Berlin Zoo has revealed the names of the two newborn panda twins in a special naming ceremony held last week. The twin sisters were officially named Meng Hao ("Beautiful…

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Read more about the article Adorable Newborn Giant Panda Twins Grow First Set Of Teeth
Image shows one of the two panda cubs' set of teeth, undated photo. The two female pandas were born in Berlin Zoo, Germany, on Aug. 22, 2024. (Berlin Zoo/NF/newsX)

Adorable Newborn Giant Panda Twins Grow First Set Of Teeth

Germany's favourite panda twins have grown their first set of teeth three months after they were born. Zookeepers at Berlin Zoo in Germany made the exciting discovery when they observed…

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Read more about the article Angry Mum Panda Gets Frustrated At Cub’s Refusal To Climb Tree
A mother panda teaches her baby panda to climb a tree in Heilongjiang, China. The video was posted on Douyin the Chinese version of Tiktok on Tuesday, Jul. 30, 2024. (AsiaWire)

Angry Mum Panda Gets Frustrated At Cub’s Refusal To Climb Tree

Panda-monium moment a mother panda runs out of patience in trying to teach her cub to climb a tree and roughly manhandles it in an unsuccessful attempt to get it…

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Read more about the article Acrobatic Panda Tumbles Head Over Heels From Top Of Tree At Chinese Zoo
A panda tumbles from a tree at Shaanxi Qinling Giant Panda Rescue and Breeding Research Base in Foping, China, Sunday, Jul. 7, 2024. The video was posted on Douyin the Chinese version of Tiktok. (hzfpqq/AsiaWire)

Acrobatic Panda Tumbles Head Over Heels From Top Of Tree At Chinese Zoo

Acrobatic panda bit off more than she could chew after hanging from a tree branch by her mouth and then plunging several metres to the ground. The poor panda, Quanyun,…

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