Read more about the article Sailors Plucked From Sinking Boat In North Sea Rescue
Image shows the Search and Rescue (SAR) boat Otto Diersch bringing the damaged sailing vessel to the harbour, on Sunday evening, Apr. 21, 2024. Four British sailors got stranded at sea between the East Frisian islands of Norderney and Juist, in Germany. (Die Seenotretter - DGzRS/Newsflash)

Sailors Plucked From Sinking Boat In North Sea Rescue

Four British yachters who were stranded at sea when they ran aground on a sandbank were plucked to safety as waves threatened to engulf their tiny 10-metre boat. The four,…

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Read more about the article Dead 500-Kilo Tropic Sea Turtle Found On German North Sea Coast
Image shows the giant leatherback sea turtle found floating in the North Sea, near the town of Buesum, Germany, undated photo. The species is listed as 'vulnerable' on IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species. (Newsflash)

Dead 500-Kilo Tropic Sea Turtle Found On German North Sea Coast

Marine biologists in Germany are baffled after fishermen hauled a dead 500-kilo tropical sea turtle from the mouth of a river in northern Germany. The giant leatherback sea turtle measuring…

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Read more about the article Emperor Penguins Live Up To 373 Miles Further North Than Previously Believed Say Boffins
Image shows an emperor penguin colony near the Neumayer station of the Alfred Wegener Institute in an undated photo. A 2022 study showed that young emperor penguins swim far north beyond the 50th parallel south in their first year of life in Antarctica. (Alfred Wegener Institut, Aymeric Houstin/Newsflash)

Emperor Penguins Live Up To 373 Miles Further North Than Previously Believed Say Boffins

Tracking of young emperor penguins in Antarctica has shown that they live about 373 miles further north than previously believed and stay far outside of their protected areas. The Alfred…

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Read more about the article Neanderthals Chilled Out In Summer By Heading North
Lake shore (black organic layer) from 90,000 years ago superimposed by cold climatic sediments according to the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in the German city of Leipzig. (M. Weiss, M. Hein/Newsflash)

Neanderthals Chilled Out In Summer By Heading North

Man's Neanderthal ancestors used to escape warm summers to chill out in the icy climates of northern territories , a new study has revealed. Scientists have discovered that Neanderthals showed…

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Read more about the article Ornate Ivory Comb And African Bowl Among Objects Found In 6th Century Graves For First Time In North Of Alps
Finds in Deiningen, front of the restored comb from 6th century.

Ornate Ivory Comb And African Bowl Among Objects Found In 6th Century Graves For First Time In North Of Alps

Archaeologists have found valuable objects including an ornate ivory comb with stunning carvings and a bowl from Africa in two sixth-century graves in northern Swabia - the first such find…

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Read more about the article Asian Virus-Carrying Tiger Mosquito Moving North To UK
An Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) filmed by Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of the French international pharmaceutical company Sanofi. Sanofi Pasteur is the largest company in the world devoted entirely to vaccines

Asian Virus-Carrying Tiger Mosquito Moving North To UK

The Asian tiger mosquitoes that have made headlines in Spain and around the world are moving north across France towards the UK. According to French media, the tiger mosquitoes, which…

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Read more about the article Icelandic Mayor Complains To Google Maps About Snow
Jon Pall Hreinsson, the mayor of Westfjords town Bolungarvík, has sent in a complaint to Google Maps because the application’s satellite image of the town is covered in snow

Icelandic Mayor Complains To Google Maps About Snow

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The mayor of a freezing fishing town in the north of Iceland has complained to Google Maps - because there is too much snow in their satellite pictures. Jon Pall…

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