Read more about the article Schumacher Family Awarded GBP 170,000 In Compensation Over AI-Fabricated Interview
Image shows the magazine cover of die Aktuelle, showing the AI generated interview with Michael Schumacher, 55, undated photo. Schumacher's family was awarded EUR 200,000 (GBP 170,321) in damages. (Newsflash)

Schumacher Family Awarded GBP 170,000 In Compensation Over AI-Fabricated Interview

A magazine publisher has paid Michael Schumacher's family GBP 170,000 after publishing an AI-generated interview with the seven-time Formula One champion, falsely presenting it as a world-first exclusive. The racing…

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Read more about the article OBITUARY: Shantanu Newshound
Shantanu Guha Ray receiving an award in January 2014. Shantanu was the New Delhi-based Asia editor for Central European News for more than a decade until his recent death. (Newsflash)

OBITUARY: Shantanu Newshound

News agencies are often seen as stepping stones to bigger careers, but for Shantanu Guha Ray, who had already worked for some of the biggest names in the business, working…

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Read more about the article Journalism Is Not A Crime-Journalism and Freedom of Expression-Using Violence Against Journalists is a Crime
Journalism Is Not A Crime-Journalism and Freedom of Expression-Using Violence Against Journalists is a Crime

Journalism Is Not A Crime-Journalism and Freedom of Expression-Using Violence Against Journalists is a Crime

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Story by Ajda Ender Violence against journalists has been going on for years, and journalists have been pressured to live in fear and threat for years. Journalists are unlawfully arrested…

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