Read more about the article Empress Sisi’s Hungarian Velvet Jacket Sells For GBP 52,000 At Austrian Auction
Image shows Empress Sisi's jacket from 1880, undated photo. It sold for EUR 62.400 (GBP 52,733) in Vienna, Austria. (Dorotheum/Newsflash)

Empress Sisi’s Hungarian Velvet Jacket Sells For GBP 52,000 At Austrian Auction

A Hungarian velvet jacket that once belonged to Empress Sisi has sold for GBP 52,000 at auction in Austria. The auction took place in Vienna on 11th June, and saw…

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Read more about the article Fanatical Nazi Pilot’s Messerschmitt Found In Lake 80 Years After Shot Down Taking On 1,000 Allied Planes
Picture show the aircraft on the grave of Sandor Beregssaszy, undated. The plane that he died in was recovered from Lake Balaton, Hungary, on Oct. 10, 2023. (Samuel taunts/Newsflash)

Fanatical Nazi Pilot’s Messerschmitt Found In Lake 80 Years After Shot Down Taking On 1,000 Allied Planes

An amazingly preserved Nazi fighter plane that went into battle with 17 others against an American force of almost 1,000 planes has finally been recovered almost 80 years after it…

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Read more about the article Holocaust Survivor Says She Lay Playing Dead Between Corpses For Days In Auschwitz Before Russians Freed Them
Image shows holocaust survivor Eva Szepesi, in undated photo. She was only 11 years old when she was taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp in the city of Oswiecim, Poland. (Newsflash)

Holocaust Survivor Says She Lay Playing Dead Between Corpses For Days In Auschwitz Before Russians Freed Them

A 90-year-old woman who survived the Holocaust when she was a little girl claimed that she played dead as she lay among corpses in Auschwitz to save her life. Eva…

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Read more about the article Deer Found Stuck Down Manhole With Only Its Massive Antlers Stopping It From Falling Further
Picture shows a deer trapped in a water shaft in Ozd, Hungary, on Monday, Jan. 16, 2023. A veterinarian tranquilised the deer, and a wheeled ladder was used to remove it from the shaft in a backyard of a hose. (@bmokf.hivatalos/Newsflash)

Deer Found Stuck Down Manhole With Only Its Massive Antlers Stopping It From Falling Further

These images show a deer that was found stuck down a manhole with only its massive antlers stopping it from falling further into the hole. The incident took place in…

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Read more about the article World’s Biggest Chocolate Factory Back In Business After Salmonella Horror
Barry Callebaut, the largest chocolate factory in the world located in Belgium, destroys hundreds of tons of chocolate after the discovery of salmonella. (Newsflash)

World’s Biggest Chocolate Factory Back In Business After Salmonella Horror

The world's biggest chocolate factory is back in business after a salmonella outbreak forced it to destroy hundreds of tonnes of chocs. The Barry Callebaut factory - which supplies huge…

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Read more about the article Scientists Solve Mystery Of Warlike Ancient Tribe
A grave at the Derecske-Bikas-dulo site from the Deri Museum located in the Hungarian city of Debrecen. (Szilvia Dobrontey-David/Newsflash)

Scientists Solve Mystery Of Warlike Ancient Tribe

Scientists have solved a 1,400-year-old mystery concerning the genetic background of the Avar civilisation by evaluating DNA samples of over 60 individuals discovered in elite graves. Researchers who analysed the…

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Read more about the article Research Sensation As German And US Scientists Discover The Worlds Tiniest Land Snails In Vietnam
The smallest known land snail Angustopila psammion which was discovered by German researchers. (Senckenberg/Newsflash)

Research Sensation As German And US Scientists Discover The Worlds Tiniest Land Snails In Vietnam

German and US researchers have discovered two incredible snails - one of which is smaller than a grain of sand and believed to be the world's tiniest land snail, and…

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Read more about the article Empress Sisis Glove Which She Wore On The Day Of Her Murder Fetches GBP 56,000 At Auction
The black silk glove Sisi, Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary wore on the day she was murdered, sold on auction for GBP 56,000. (Hermann Historica Munchen/Newsflash)

Empress Sisis Glove Which She Wore On The Day Of Her Murder Fetches GBP 56,000 At Auction

This glove worn by Empress Sisi on the day she was murdered and fetched nearly GBP 56,000 at auction. Elisabeth, Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary (1837-1898) was murdered…

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Read more about the article Famous Austrian Princess Sissis Undies Sell For Over GBP 3,273 At German Auction House
Footage from the private chambers of Empress Elisabeth of Austria and Queen of Hungary's castle in the town of Godollo in Hungary.

Famous Austrian Princess Sissis Undies Sell For Over GBP 3,273 At German Auction House

Undies that belonged to the famous Austrian Empress and Queen of Hungary 'Sissi' have been bought for GBP 3,273 at an auction house in Germany. The underwear that once belonged…

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