Read more about the article German Medic Gets Almost Three Years For Selling Fake Vax Certificates
Bianca Witzsche, 67, poses in undated photo. She was jailed for two years and eight months in Dresden, Germany. (@bianca.witzschel/Newsflash)

German Medic Gets Almost Three Years For Selling Fake Vax Certificates

A doctor in Germany has been jailed for nearly three years for providing over 1,000 fake COVID-19 vaccination certificates during the coronavirus pandemic. Dr Bianca Witzsche, 67, is said to…

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Read more about the article Man Says COVID-19 Jab Left Him Blind In One Eye
Photo shows Christian P. from Augsburg before the vaccination, undated. The lawyer who was very active and in good health is now blind in one eye after AstraZeneca injection. (CEN)

Man Says COVID-19 Jab Left Him Blind In One Eye

A lawyer is suing the German state for compensation after a COVID-19 vaccine jab allegedly left him partially blind in one eye. Christian P. ,47, from Germany, said he was…

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Read more about the article Anti-Vaxxer Nurse Who Jabbed Thousands With Saline Solution Walks Free
Image shows Antje T., 39, during the trial in undated photo. She was sentenced to probation for jabbing people with saline solution in the Schortens vaccination centre in the district of Friesland, in Lower Saxony, Germany in April 2021. (Newsflash)

Anti-Vaxxer Nurse Who Jabbed Thousands With Saline Solution Walks Free

An anti-vaxxer nurse who jabbed nearly 9,000 people with saline solution instead of a COVID-19 vaccine has been spared jail in Germany. Red Cross nurse Antje T., 39, was given…

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Read more about the article Children With Literacy Problems Read To Abandoned Dogs
Image shows a child reading to a dog in an animal shelter, undated photo. The so-called 'Shelter Buddy Reading Program' was initiated in the town of Voesendorf, in Lower Austria, Austria. (Tierschutz Austria/Newsflash)

Children With Literacy Problems Read To Abandoned Dogs

Animal experts have revealed how they have helped children struggling with reading problems by getting them to tell stories to abandoned dogs. The Shelter Buddy Reading programme was initiated by…

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Read more about the article Teacher Who Draws Amazing Whiteboard History Portraits Like The Queen Says Kids Today Need Visual Stimuli
Picture shows the blackboard about the British monarchy featuring Queen Elizabeth, drawn by the teacher in Malaga, Spain, undated. (@pinceladadehistoriaoficial/Newsflash)

Teacher Who Draws Amazing Whiteboard History Portraits Like The Queen Says Kids Today Need Visual Stimuli

A teacher who draws these amazing whiteboard history portraits like that of the late Queen Elizabeth II says that the visual stimuli helps kids today to retain information better.…

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Read more about the article Losing Access To Grandkids Devastated Brit Oldsters’ Mental Health Says New Study
Image shows the University of Vienna in Austria, undated photo. (Universitat Wien, Gebhard Sengmuller/Newsflash)

Losing Access To Grandkids Devastated Brit Oldsters’ Mental Health Says New Study

Grandparents all over the UK became more and more depressed after limiting contact with their grandchildren because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study says. Their overall quality of life…

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Read more about the article New Cold Plasma Jet Set To Fight Virus
Image shows cold physical plasma analyses at the Centre of Excellence ZIK plasmatis at the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology e.V. (INP). (INP Greifswald/Newsflash)

New Cold Plasma Jet Set To Fight Virus

Scientists could be one step closer to wiping out COVID-19 after having created a cold plasma jet which drastically limits the virus’ capabilities. A research team from the Leibniz Institute…

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Read more about the article COVID-19 Lockdown Almost Halved Soot Levels In Atmosphere
Image shows the HALO research aircraft launched into an almost empty airspace during the COVID-19 lockdown in May 2020. The aircraft investigated the influence of limited mobility on air quality during the Bluesky research campaign in Germany.(DLR/Newsflash)

COVID-19 Lockdown Almost Halved Soot Levels In Atmosphere

Lockdowns in the early summer of 2020 ensured the amount of soot in the atmosphere was almost halved, with benefits to the climate and health. The reductions in soot concentrations…

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Read more about the article Better Therapy Hopes As Detection Dogs Sniff It Out
Recent study by a research team from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) shows that dogs previously trained with samples from SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals can recognize samples from post-COVID-19 patients. (Sebastian Meller/Newsflash)

Better Therapy Hopes As Detection Dogs Sniff It Out

COVID-19 detection dogs can also detect Long Covid in people, according to new research by vets in Germany. Scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover found that canines…

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