Read more about the article Schumacher Family Awarded GBP 170,000 In Compensation Over AI-Fabricated Interview
Image shows the magazine cover of die Aktuelle, showing the AI generated interview with Michael Schumacher, 55, undated photo. Schumacher's family was awarded EUR 200,000 (GBP 170,321) in damages. (Newsflash)

Schumacher Family Awarded GBP 170,000 In Compensation Over AI-Fabricated Interview

A magazine publisher has paid Michael Schumacher's family GBP 170,000 after publishing an AI-generated interview with the seven-time Formula One champion, falsely presenting it as a world-first exclusive. The racing…

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Read more about the article Farmer Who Spent 29 Years Behind Bars  Gets GBP 880,000 Compo In China
Picture shows Tan Xiuyi (left) and his appeal agent and retrial defence lawyer Li Xun (right), undated. Tan Xiuyi was acquitted after serving 29 years in prison after being unjustly convicted in Henan, China. (AsiaWire)

Farmer Who Spent 29 Years Behind Bars Gets GBP 880,000 Compo In China

A man who spent 29 years in jail on a suspended death sentence for a triple murder he did not commit was awarded a GBP 880,000 compensation for wrongful imprisonment.…

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Read more about the article Immunotherapy Chip Could Create Customised Cures
Physicist Dr Larysa Baraban, poses in undated photo. She was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to continue developing bio-nanosensors for medical diagnostics at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, in Dresden, Germany. (HZDR/Newsflash)

Immunotherapy Chip Could Create Customised Cures

A researcher developing a miracle microchip that can identify cancer cells and predict how they will act has been awarded a EUR 2 million grant to develop the tech. The…

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