Read more about the article Customs Detain Female Passenger After 448 Live Hermit Crabs Discovered In Bizarre Smuggling Attempt
Customs seize 448 hermit crabs from a passenger's luggage at Dalian Zhoushuizi Airport, China, Saturday, Jul. 20, 2024. The customs have transferred the batch of hermit crabs to the follow-up department for further processing. (Customs/AsiaWire)

Customs Detain Female Passenger After 448 Live Hermit Crabs Discovered In Bizarre Smuggling Attempt

Female passenger is detained by customs for attempting to smuggle 448 live hermit crabs into China. Customs officials conducted routine inspections on arriving passengers on international flights landing at Dalian…

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Read more about the article Stranded Baby Seal Rescued By Police And Wildlife Experts After Repeated Returns To Shore
Police releases a harbor seal that was found stranded on the shore in Huludao, Liaoning, China, undated. The seal swam back to the shore many times, so the police sent it to the Wildlife Conservation Center. (AsiaWire)

Stranded Baby Seal Rescued By Police And Wildlife Experts After Repeated Returns To Shore

Policemen attempt to release a stranded baby seal back into the sea as it keeps swimming up to shore. The spotted seal pup reportedly appeared on the shore of the…

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Read more about the article Leopard Dies In Shocking Neutralisation Attempt After Cops Stood On Cots Holding It
Police officers stand on top of a trapped leopard, in Sambhal, India, undated. The animal died during the capture attempt. (AsiaWire)

Leopard Dies In Shocking Neutralisation Attempt After Cops Stood On Cots Holding It

Police officers standing on cots holding an unconscious leopard that died during a neutralisation attempt. Footage recorded in the city of Sambhal, in India's state of Uttar Pradesh showed police…

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Read more about the article Attempt To Create Picture Opportunity For Tourists Goes Pear-Shaped
Photo shows a frozen pear snow sculpture in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, undated. The sculpture is nearly five to six meters high. (AsiaWire)

Attempt To Create Picture Opportunity For Tourists Goes Pear-Shaped

As one of China's tourism hotspots, Harbin is famous for its offerings over the winter period where there is often thick snow and ice on the ground. But some were…

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Read more about the article Man Dies Trying To Save Pooch From Burning Home
Golden retriever Bommel, poses in undated photo. Hermann M., 74, died after he attempted to rescue the dog from a fire in his home in the town of Hamminkeln, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. (Newsflash)

Man Dies Trying To Save Pooch From Burning Home

A brave pensioner died in a vain attempt to rescue his son's Golden Retriever dog after it dashed inside the burning family home. The tragedy happened in the town of…

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Read more about the article Family Tried To Bring Rotting Corpse Back To Life With Prayer
Picture shows Las Brenas, Argentina, undated. Gaston Claudio Chavez, 24, died and his family kept the body for 3 days in a bedroom as they believed that they could resuscitate him by praying, in the city. (Google Maps/Newsflash)

Family Tried To Bring Rotting Corpse Back To Life With Prayer

A religious family has been quizzed by police after they kept praying over a son's decomposing body for three days in an attempt to revive him. Gaston Claudio Chaves, 24,…

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Read more about the article Former Soldier Believed To Have Executed Che Guevara In Bolivia Dies Aged 80
Mario Teran Salazar, the man who killed Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara and who died in Bolivia on 10th March 2022. (Newsflash)

Former Soldier Believed To Have Executed Che Guevara In Bolivia Dies Aged 80

The soldier believed to have executed Che Guevara during his failed attempt to foment revolution in Bolivia has died. Mario Teran Salazar, the man accredited with killing the Argentine physician…

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Read more about the article Solid Cement Block Removed From Mans Stomach After He Swallows Mix
The medical team who saved the Pakistani expat who tried to commit suicide by swallowing cement and survived after removing the hardened cement from his stomach in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. (@jeddahhealth/Newsflash)

Solid Cement Block Removed From Mans Stomach After He Swallows Mix

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These images show the stomach-shaped cement block in a man's stomach after he swallowed powdered cement in what is believed to have been a failed suicide attempt and it mixed…

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Read more about the article NASA To Land Ice Mining Robot On Moon In First Ever Attempt To Extract Resources
Illustration of Intuitive Machines’ Nova-C lander with a depiction of NASA’s Polar Resources Ice-Mining Experiment-1 (PRIME-1) attached to the spacecraft on the surface of the Moon. (Intuitive Machines/Newsflash)

NASA To Land Ice Mining Robot On Moon In First Ever Attempt To Extract Resources

NASA has announced that next year it will deliver an ice-mining machine connected to a robotic lander to the Moon in the first-ever attempt to find and extract resources from…

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Read more about the article Ever Given Container Ship That Blocked Suez Canal Returns For Second Attempt
Ever Given's ship returns to Egypt's Suez Canal for the first time since the blocking in March 2021.

Ever Given Container Ship That Blocked Suez Canal Returns For Second Attempt

The massive container ship that blocked the Suez Canal back in March is set to attempt a second crossing after compensation to the tune of USD 540 million was reportedly…

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