A shocked zoo goer captured the moment a group of monkeys cruelly plucked off a pigeon’s feathers and tortured it until it died after it flew into their enclosure.
The disturbing scene was captured at Zheshan Park, located in the city of Wuhu. In China’s eastern Anhui Province.
Video footage, shared online on 29th January, shows several monkeys holding down the captured bird against a tall rock and biting it.
They plucked off dozens of its white feathers, after which the pigeon struggled and fell into the water.
Tourists who witnessed the sight said it was cruel to watch and raised concerns about animal welfare at the zoo.
Some online users said zoo staff should be more careful with leaving food around that could attract birds or other animals.
Zheshan Park later confirmed the bird was dead, stating: “The pigeon has already died. Our staff later went in to safely dispose of the pigeon’s feathers and carcass.”

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Story By: Simona Kitanovska, Sub-Editor: Georgina Jedikovska, Agency: Asia Wire Report
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