Lucky Woman Finds Over 5Kg Of Whale Vomit Worth A Fortune While Fishing Off Jetty

This lucky woman in Malaysia has found over five kilogrammes of what appears to be ambergris, also known as ‘whale vomit’, while she was fishing off a jetty.

The lucky woman has been named as Aida Zurina Long, 41, and she was reportedly fishing at the jetty near the Malaysian Fisheries Development Authority building in the town of Marang, which is located in the state of Terengganu, in western Malaysia, when she spotted something floating in the water.

The 5 kg whale vomit Aida Zurina Long found while fishing in Malaysia.

She at first thought that it was rubbish but her father, who has not been named but who is also a fisherman, told her that the lump of waxy material might just be whale vomit, which is worth a fortune.

Long said: “Dad tried burning the object and it melted like a candle and gave out a sweet smell.”

She explained that she had been unaware of the existence of whale vomit and was surprised to discover just how much it can fetch, with a kilogramme of the stuff regularly commanding price tags in the tens of thousands of pounds.

A sample of the five-kilogramme (11-lb) find has been sent to the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu to be studied so that it can be determined if the substance really is ambergris and if Aida Zurina is rich.

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Story By: Joseph Golder, Sub-Editor: William McGee, Agency: Newsflash

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