Read more about the article Hiker Captures Perfectly-Round Rainbow From The Top Of A Mountain
Photo shows a round rainbow in Weihai, Shandong, China, undated. It was captured from a high-altitude perspective. (AsiaWire)

Hiker Captures Perfectly-Round Rainbow From The Top Of A Mountain

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An adventure seeker hiking to the top of a mountain managed to capture a perfectly round 360-degree rainbow that could be clearly seen from the peak. The rare rainbow was…

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Read more about the article World’s Greenest City Stops Cutting Grass To Help Bees And Other Wildlife
Picture shows Kongresssiedlung estate, in Vienna, Austria, undated. The tenants at the estate have convinced officials to reconsider their strict lawn-mowing procedures to support the flora and fauna. (Newsflash)

World’s Greenest City Stops Cutting Grass To Help Bees And Other Wildlife

The world's greenest city has agreed a further reduction to its lawnmowing policy to protect wild plants and animals in the Austiran capital Vienna. The council added the new location…

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Read more about the article Iconic Spanish Sand Dunes May Vanish Due To Selfie-ish Tourists
Picture shows the Maspalomas Dunes in Spain, undated. It is one of the areas that are at risk of disappearing due to visitors. (Newsflash)

Iconic Spanish Sand Dunes May Vanish Due To Selfie-ish Tourists

A Spanish beach's protected iconic sand dunes could disappear completely because of tourists climbing them to take selfies, say angry environmentalists. Gran Canaria's legendary Maspalomas Dunes have mesmerised generations of…

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Read more about the article Manmade Global Warming Displacing Rare Mountain Plants, Boffins Warn
Image shows plants at the Andes, undated photo. A team of researchers from Vienna, Austria, showed that plant species are spreading to higher elevations, while more and more ancestral mountain plants are being displaced, including by species from Europe in the South American Andes. (Harald Pauli, OeAW/Newsflash)

Manmade Global Warming Displacing Rare Mountain Plants, Boffins Warn

Manmade global warming is causing more and more plant species to migrate to the high Andes and displace rare mountain plants, boffins have revealed. According to a study recently published…

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Read more about the article US Lake Tahoe Has Most Plastic Waste In New European Study
Image shows Lake Tahoe, located along the state line of California and Nevada, USA, undated photo. Researchers from the city of Vienna, Austria, found out that it has more microplastic than in the world's most polluted subtropical ocean. (Newsflash)

US Lake Tahoe Has Most Plastic Waste In New European Study

The USA's two-million-year-old Lake Tahoe, known for its insanely beautiful blue colour, contains a higher load of microplastics than the world's most polluted oceans. The groundbreaking research led by the…

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Read more about the article Residents Baffled As Nearby Lake Turns Bright Green
Lake water turns green in the Xinkailiu Scenic Area of Xingkai Lake in Mishan, Jixi, China, undated. The reason is the recent rainfall has caused algae and moss in the lake. (72819222207/AsiaWire )

Residents Baffled As Nearby Lake Turns Bright Green

Residents of a lake-side town were baffled when they noticed the lake's otherwise clear water had turned a bizarre spinach-green colour. The bizarre incident was spotted at the Xinkaihu Scenic…

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Read more about the article Astonishing Sight Of Giant Iceberg Off Canadian Coast
Photo shows a giant iceberg near the shore of the Canadian island of Newfoundland, undated. Around 90% of the world's icebergs are old parts of Greenlands glaciers, while the rest come from Canadas Arctic. (@emoinuoinam/CEN)

Astonishing Sight Of Giant Iceberg Off Canadian Coast

This is the amazing nature moment when a giant iceberg the size of an ocean liner floats up to Canada's eastern coastline. The iceberg appeared off the shores of Newfoundland…

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Read more about the article Gibraltar Port Shuts Down After Oil Spill As Gov Activates Contingency Plan
Picture shows the Departament of Environment staff responding to the oil spill in the Gibraltar Bay, Spain, on Tuesday, August, 2023. The ship Gas Venus was refueling when the leak occurred. (@ThinkingGreenGI/Newsflash)

Gibraltar Port Shuts Down After Oil Spill As Gov Activates Contingency Plan

The port of the British overseas territory of Gibraltar has been shut down after an oil spill triggered an environmental alert. Environmentalists warn of a "toxic cloud" covering the Strait…

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Read more about the article Three Moons In Sky Seen As A Herald Of Imminent Disaster
Footage shows a three-moon phenomena in a sky over Jilin, China, undated. It reportedly disappeared about half an hour after shooting. (355054168/AsiaWire)

Three Moons In Sky Seen As A Herald Of Imminent Disaster

A mysterious sighting of what appeared to be three moons has sparked online concerns with some users deeming it a sign of oncoming doom. The rare sight - which appeared…

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