Woman Finds Long Lost Tortoise Under Bed Looking Like It Had Been Fossilised After It Disappeared In 2009

A Chinese woman has found the body of her long lost missing tortoise under her bed and hard as stone as if it had been fossilised after it went missing in 2009.

Ms Zhang, from the city of Chengdu in the Chinese province of Sichuan, found her old tortoise on 14th November.

The pet reptile went missing one year after the family bought it in 2008.


While cleaning the house, Ms Zhang moved a bed from the wall and found the tortoise lying on the floor after its mysterious disappearance in 2009.

However, the tortoise had apparently died a long time ago and the only thing left to do was bury its fossilised remains.

She added that she never smelled a foul odour in the house despite the reptile’s rotting corpse having been under the bed the whole time.

Ms Zhang said she could not simply throw the tortoise in the bin and knows of the perfect place to bury it.

In the video, she is seen filming the dried-out reptile on the floor before using plastic wrapping to touch the dead animal and roll it over.

The rock-hard reptile rocks on the floor as the video comes to an end.

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Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub-Editor: Joe Golder,  Agency: Asia Wire Report

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