Top Model Reveals How Industry Created Anorexic Drug Hell

A young teenager lured in by the glitz and glam has revealed how she was snared by the traps of the modelling industry, which soon turned her life into a nightmare.

Anne-Sophie Monrad, 29, is one of the best known and most successful catwalk models in Germany, working for some of the greatest designers like Chanel, Jean Paul Gaultier, Vivienne Westwood and Givenchy to name a few.

At the age of 17, she took part in a beauty contest in her home town of Flensburg, after which she was approached by a model scout and her career began.

Anne was only 18-years-old when she landed her first contract and started flying around the world participating in photo shoots with renowned photographers and doing fashion shows for some of the most famous designers in the world.

Credit: @annimonrad/Newsflash
Anne-Sophie Monrad the top model who apparently starved herself into an anorexia for jobs with the greatest designers

Unfortunately, it did not take long for her to realize the harsh reality of the modelling industry, being constantly pressured to maintain her abnormally skinny figure and even lose weight when she was already underweight.

In her book, she reveals how she was treated by her managers, who had constantly ridiculed her and made ugly remarks about her body, and even offered her drugs on some occasions, claiming they would take away the hunger.

She goes on to share how her sickness made her have a cappuccino for a meal or chew food and spit it out, all the while maintaining a rigorous workout routine only to be able to keep her job a little longer.

At her lowest weight, she weighed only about 53 kilogrammes with a height of 1.81 metres and her body mass index was 16, ridiculous for someone of her height.

According to German new portal ‘Bild’, Anne-Sophie was told by her doctor that if she didn’t gain weight her mad anorexia and malnutrition would put her in a wheelchair.

In 2018 the troubled model finally realized her lifestyle was killing her and decided to take her health back into her own hands.

That’s when Anne-Sophie pulled the plug and started to expose the modelling industry and the agencies she was involved with, writing about her experience on social media and trying to help other girls that are in the same situation as her.

Today, Anne is still modelling, but she is now at a healthy weight and has rebuilt her healthy relationship with food again – she even became a trained nutritionist in the process.

According to TZ magazine, presently she only works with agencies that have the same goals as her and appreciate her body as it is.

This year, the Berlin-based author published her autobiography titled “Fashion Victim – Light and Shadow of the Model Business ”, in which she reports on her most successful, but also hardest time as a respected model.

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Story By: Maja Mishevska, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency:  Newsflash

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