Teen Sends 10-Page Demand For Less Maths To School Bosses

A 15-year-old boy has sent a 10-page letter to school bosses demanding fewer maths classes because they do not help pupils with modern life.

Campaigner Liam Mitrovic sent the letter to Switzerland’s Zurich Education Directorate saying schools would be better off teaching politeness than sums.

The letter said: “I am very confident that you will achieve much more with a polite and friendly character than with a grade of six in mathematics and total inability when it comes to social topics such as respect, sympathy, empathy and friendliness.”

And Liam, a kung fu student who says he goes to lots of demonstrations, said most maths classes are so boring they send most pupils to sleep.

He wrote: “Young people of this age need a bit of activity in class, otherwise their eyes will close from boredom – perhaps even literally.”

Liam himself can’t complain about being bored, telling Swiss media: “I definitely have one of the busiest schedules in my circle.”

And he wants schools to crack down on pupils glued to their smartphones in school time.

He said: “When I look at my class and the people around me, everyone is on their cell phones too much. Me included. If that is also encouraged in school, that’s pretty bad.

Liam Mitrovic, 15, from Zurich, Switzerland, poses in undated photo. He sent a letter to the Zurich Education Directorate asking for fewer maths lessons and more focus on German and social sciences. (Newsflash)

“And personally, I think it’s just valuable if you can handle paper and pen and write nicely.”

Liam later told he wants to use the letter to shake up parents and other grown ups to demand changes in education.

He said: Liam said: “I want to show that there are some things in today’s teaching that are outdated and, in my opinion, no longer work.

“Maybe I can get the ball rolling so that others also get involved in the issue.”

Zurich education director Silvia Steiner’s office confirmed they had received the letter.

A spokesperson would only say: “Suggestions from students are always welcome at the Education Directorate. The student will receive a response.”

Out of school Liam says he takes martial arts classes six times a week and loves reading science fiction and books on politics.

He said: “I’m definitely an atypical young person.”

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Story By: Joseph GolderSub-EditorJoseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash

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