Read more about the article Looters Caught Red-Handed Digging Up Ancient Well For Treasure
Photo shows the moment when three looters were caught while they were excavating and destroying historical layers in an Ottoman well next to the cemetery of the Bedouin city of Rahat in Negev, Israel, undated photo. The robbers are suspected of searching for a hidden treasure, which, according to a Bedouin myth, was buried in the well, inside a cave. (Emil Aladjem, Israel Antiquity Authority Robbery Prevention Unit/Newsflash)

Looters Caught Red-Handed Digging Up Ancient Well For Treasure

Officials in Israel busted three looters digging for treasure in an ancient Ottoman well. Inspectors from Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) Antiquities Theft Prevention Unit caught the robbers red-handed as they…

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Read more about the article Incredibly Well Preserved 2,000 Year Old Statue Of Roman Emperor Hadrian Unearthed In Turkey
Statue of Roman Emperor Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus found in Alabanda in Aydin, Turkey

Incredibly Well Preserved 2,000 Year Old Statue Of Roman Emperor Hadrian Unearthed In Turkey

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A nearly 2,000-year-old statue including the incredibly well-preserved head of the Roman Emperor Hadrian was unearthed by archaeologists in an ancient Turkish city who believe the statue was built just…

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Read more about the article Archaeologists Discover Astonishingly Well Preserved 2,000 Year Old Mummy With Hair On Its Head In Ancient Pompeii
The skull of a mummy found in a tomb outside of city of Pompei, Italy, who was a man called Marcus Venerius Secundio, a resident of the ancient Pompeii.

Archaeologists Discover Astonishingly Well Preserved 2,000 Year Old Mummy With Hair On Its Head In Ancient Pompeii

This incredibly well-preserved 2,000-year-old body of a resident of Pompeii was found with hair still on the man's skull and part of his ear intact, leading archaeologists to describe it…

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Read more about the article Extremely Well Preserved 3,000 Year Old Bronze Sword Found In Denmark
The 3.000-year-old bronze sword, that was found during excavations in an area that is being prepared for the construction of a gas pipeline between Denmark and Poland in the village of Glee on the Danish island of Funen on 7th March.

Extremely Well Preserved 3,000 Year Old Bronze Sword Found In Denmark

This is the astonishingly well preserved 3,000-year-old bronze sword that was unearthed by archaeologists who were excavating a site that is set to be used for a future gas pipeline.…

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Read more about the article Egypt Scientists Find Tomb Of Royal Treasury Official
The alabaster canopic jars in the form of the four sons of Horus, and engraved with the titles and names of the deceased which have been found in the antiquities area of ​​Al-Ghuraifah, in Minya Governorate’s Tuna Al-Jabal

Egypt Scientists Find Tomb Of Royal Treasury Official

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Egyptian archaeologists have discovered the tomb of a Royal Treasury supervisor in a 33-foot-deep well leading to a decorated chamber. The tomb of a Royal Treasury official called Badi Est…

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