Read more about the article German City Introduces Pizza Box Recycling Bins To Combat Littering
Image shows a pizza box, undated photo. They were set in the city of Erfurt, Germany, in a bid to battle littering. (City Administration of Erfurt/Newsflash)

German City Introduces Pizza Box Recycling Bins To Combat Littering

A city in Germany has come up with a creative way to combat littering by introducing pizza recycling bins for the oversized boxes in several locations. The so-called Pizzaboxes were…

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Read more about the article Rare White Cub Found Abandoned Under Dumpster
Photo shows a white tiger cub, undated. It was found abandoned near the rubbish bin of the Attica Zoological park in Spata, Greece, Wednesday, March 8, 2023. (Newsflash)

Rare White Cub Found Abandoned Under Dumpster

Binmen in Greece were shocked to find a rare white tiger cub underneath a waste container outside a zoo. The young feline, believed to be about three months old, was…

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Read more about the article About 2.6 Tonnes Of Trash Cleared From Galapagos Islands
Workers and volunteers pick up trash during the first coastal clean-up, in Galapagos, Ecuador, undated. A total of 2.6 tons of waste was recovered from Genovesa, Marchena and Pinta islands. (Parque Nacional Galapagos/Newsflash)

About 2.6 Tonnes Of Trash Cleared From Galapagos Islands

A huge haul of about 2.6 tonnes of rubbish - most of it plastic - has been removed from the Galapagos Islands by volunteers. The coastal clean-up trip - supervised…

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Read more about the article How Plastic Waste Could Be Used To Grab CO2
Graduate student Paul Savas feeds raw plastic into a crusher to prepare it for pyrolysis, or heating in an inert atmosphere. (Jeff Fitlow/Newsflash)

How Plastic Waste Could Be Used To Grab CO2

Scientists have discovered a double environmental breakthrough - how to capture carbon dioxide by using heat-treated plastic waste. The breakthrough came from boffins at Rice University, in the city of…

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Read more about the article People Eat One Credit Cards Worth of Plastic Trash a Week Says Study
Entrance area of ​​the medical university campus and the Vienna General Hospital in the Austrian capital of Vienna. (MedUni Wien, AKH Wien, Houdek/Newsflash)

People Eat One Credit Cards Worth of Plastic Trash a Week Says Study

People are eating the equivalent of one credit card every week in their diet, a new study into the effects of plastic particles on human health has revealed. The particles…

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