Read more about the article Customs Seize Live Snakes Hidden In Cargo Shipment Bound For The UK
Image shows the boa snakes, undated photo. They were seized by customs in Dresden, Germany, on Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024. (Dresden Main Customs Office/NF/newsX)

Customs Seize Live Snakes Hidden In Cargo Shipment Bound For The UK

Customs agents have discovered live boas that smugglers had attempted to hide in a shipment of noodles and two lorry toys bound for the UK. The suspicious package reportedly arrived…

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Read more about the article Threatened Sea Anemones Now Living In UK Waters As Well Can Learn Without Possessing A Brain
Picture shows the starlet sea anemone, undated. These sea creatures can learn without a brain according to a new study by Simon Sprecher, a neurobiologist at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. (Newsflash)

Threatened Sea Anemones Now Living In UK Waters As Well Can Learn Without Possessing A Brain

Researchers claim to have found that it is not necessary to have a brain in order to learn something. The remarkable discovery was made by Prof. Simon Sprecher from the…

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Read more about the article ‘Bankrupt’ Boris Enjoying Life Of Luxury In Germany
Boris Becker, 55, and his girlfriend Lilian have dinner in Stuttgart, Germany on Friday, March 17, 2023. The restaurant Nannina has main courses from that cost from 39 to 59 euros. (Newsflash)

‘Bankrupt’ Boris Enjoying Life Of Luxury In Germany

Former tennis ace and jailbird Boris Becker is reportedly enjoying a life of luxury back home in Germany following his release from prison in the UK. It is believed he…

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Read more about the article UK Royal Mint’s Gold Bar For Holy Month
Photo shows a gold bullion bar minted for the Islamic community depicting the Kaaba, the holiest site for millions of Muslims, undated. The 20g minted Kaaba gold bar is released ahead of one of the holiest months in the Islamic calendar, Ramadan. (The Royal Mint/Newsflash)

UK Royal Mint’s Gold Bar For Holy Month

A special gold bar to mark the holiest month for Muslim worshippers has been released by the UK's Royal Mint. The 20-gramme gold bullion bar features a design showing Mecca's…

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Read more about the article Walrus Leaves UK For Colder Waters
Thor the walrus makes an appearance in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, in England, in an undated photo. According to Em Mayman, there hasn't been a walrus in this part of the UK in a very, very long time. (Em Mayman of BDMLR/Newsflash)

Walrus Leaves UK For Colder Waters

Thor the walrus, who caused New Year's Eve fireworks to be cancelled at an English seaside town, as he leaves the UK to head north to colder waters. His arrival…

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Read more about the article UK And US Navies Exercise With Automated Vessels In Gulf
Saildrone Explorer unmanned surface vessels operate with USS Delbert D. Black, HMS Bangor, HMS Chiddingfold, and USCGC Robert Goldman in the Arabain Gulf during exercise Phantom Scope on Friday, Oct. 7, 2022, in Persian Gulf. (U.S. Navy/Newsflash).

UK And US Navies Exercise With Automated Vessels In Gulf

This footage shows the UK and the US Navy conducting a military exercise with unmanned surface vessels in the middle of the Arabian Gulf. Newsflash obtained the footage from the…

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Read more about the article UK Institution Donates Nearly 20,000-Bird Collection To Austrian Museum
Image shows the Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops), undated photo. The British Harrison Institute in Sevenoaks, England will donated 19,000 birds to the Natural History Museum Vienna in Austria on Friday, Nov. 4, 2022. (Robbie Bright/Newsflash)

UK Institution Donates Nearly 20,000-Bird Collection To Austrian Museum

A British research and charity institution has donated its enormous bird specimen collection to one of the leading natural history museums of Central Europe. The Natural History Museum Vienna (NHM)…

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Read more about the article Losing Access To Grandkids Devastated Brit Oldsters’ Mental Health Says New Study
Image shows the University of Vienna in Austria, undated photo. (Universitat Wien, Gebhard Sengmuller/Newsflash)

Losing Access To Grandkids Devastated Brit Oldsters’ Mental Health Says New Study

Grandparents all over the UK became more and more depressed after limiting contact with their grandchildren because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study says. Their overall quality of life…

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Read more about the article Genetic Study Provides New Insights Into Anglo-Saxon Migrations From Continental Europe To England
Image shows grave goods from inhumation grave 3532 at Issendorf cemetery, undated photo. (Landesmuseum Hannover/Newsflash)

Genetic Study Provides New Insights Into Anglo-Saxon Migrations From Continental Europe To England

A study led by UK and German scientists has revealed that Anglo-Saxons were only 24 per cent English. Early-medieval mass migrations influenced the formation of British society by increasing its…

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Read more about the article Different Strategies Needed To Protect Different Bee types Finds UK Study
Great yellow bumblebee (Bombus distinguendus) on Centaurea nigra. (Pieter Haringsma/Newsflash)

Different Strategies Needed To Protect Different Bee types Finds UK Study

A study using 10 years of citizen science data from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust’s BeeWalk scheme has found that a variety of targeted conservation approaches are needed to protect UK…

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