Read more about the article Bee Stinger Wedged In Baby’s Eyeball For A Month
A 2-year-old babys eyes have been red after beeing stung by a bee. After a month the bee needle was found stuck in his eye in a Hangzhou, China, undated photo. (AsiaWire)

Bee Stinger Wedged In Baby’s Eyeball For A Month

Doctors discover a bee sting in the eyeball was the reason a baby had been suffering from red eyes for a month. His parents had taken the child named Huahua…

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Read more about the article Tusker With Enlarged Genitalia Has 50 Per Cent Chance Of Surviving In Horror Zoo
Photo shows Noor Jehan (front), the 17-year-old African elephant in Karachi Zoo, Pakistan, undated. A team of veterinarians and wildlife experts from global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS has arrived in Karachi, Pakistan, Tuesday, April 4, 2023. (Four Paws/Newsflash)

Tusker With Enlarged Genitalia Has 50 Per Cent Chance Of Surviving In Horror Zoo

Vets are in a race against time to save the life of this poor elephant which they say is stuck in a zoo in appalling conditions and in agonising pain,…

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Read more about the article Tot Aged 2 Dies After Suffering Three Heart Attacks After Drinking A Glass Of Gasoline
Picture shows the Portoazul Clinic, in Barranquilla, Colombia, undated. Elian Josue Pina Valdez, died after ingesting gasoline, at the clinic, on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023. (Google Maps/Newsflash)

Tot Aged 2 Dies After Suffering Three Heart Attacks After Drinking A Glass Of Gasoline

A tot in Colombia has died after he suffered three heart attacks as a result of drinking a glass of gasoline. The two-year-old boy identified as Elian Josue Pina Valdez…

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Read more about the article Horror Turkey Farms Where Agony Isn’t Just For Christmas
Picture shows dead bodies of turkeys, undated, in Spain. AnimaNaturalis did an investigation that exposes the living conditions of turkeys on farms in Spain. (AnimaNaturalis/Newsflash)

Horror Turkey Farms Where Agony Isn’t Just For Christmas

WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT Animal rights groups have revealed that turkeys are suffering agonising lives in factory farms because loopholes exempt them from welfare laws protecting other animals. Thousands of turkeys…

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Read more about the article Honey Can Lower Stroke Risk, Study Shows
Picture shows Tauseef Khan, undated. He is a research associate at Toronto University's Temerty Faculty of Medicine and one of the co-authors of the study entitled "Effect of honey on cardiometabolic risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis." (Nema McGlynn/Newsflash)

Honey Can Lower Stroke Risk, Study Shows

Tucking into raw honey can significantly reduce the risk of suffering some of the most common current health issues, scientists in Canada have found. Researchers at Toronto University carried out…

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Read more about the article Brit Climber Without Winter Clothing Rescued Almost Frozen On Mont Blanc Glacier
Photo shows a 26-years-old unnamed British man from Portsmouth, England, before he was rescued by Aosta Valley Mountain Rescue on Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022, on the Bionnassay glacier in Italy. He was rescued after calling for help the previous evening. (Newsflash)

Brit Climber Without Winter Clothing Rescued Almost Frozen On Mont Blanc Glacier

A British climber has been rescued almost frozen to death from a glazier on the Mont Blanc mountain range, in the Italian Alps. The climber, reportedly named as Feda Hussein,…

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Read more about the article Podgy Middle-Agers Have Higher Risk of Dementia Says Study
University of Leipzig biologist and sub-project leader in the Collaborative Research Center 1052 "Mechanisms of Obesity" Dr Veronica Witte who investigates obesity causes, prevention and therapy in Germany. (Kerstin Flake/Newsflash)

Podgy Middle-Agers Have Higher Risk of Dementia Says Study

Overweight middle-aged people have a higher risk of suffering from dementia at an advanced age, a German study shows. PD Dr Veronica Witte, 41, is a biologist at Leipzig University.…

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