Read more about the article Diver Nearly Drowns While Working On Project To Raise Lost ‘Titanic of the Alps’ Shipwreck From 1933
Photo shows Santis in front of Rorschach around 1910. The recovery of the ship that has been in depth of around 210 meters since 1933, begins this week. (Newsflash)

Diver Nearly Drowns While Working On Project To Raise Lost ‘Titanic of the Alps’ Shipwreck From 1933

A diver nearly drowned while working on a project to raise a vessel known as the 'Titanic of the Alps' after it was sunk on Lake Constance in 1933 when…

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Read more about the article Archaeologists Scramble To Investigate 3,400-Year-Old City Emerging From Tigris River In Iraq Before It Is Submerged Again
The archaeological site of Kemune in the dried-up area of the Mosul reservoir. (Universities of Freiburg and Tubingen, KAO/Newsflash)

Archaeologists Scramble To Investigate 3,400-Year-Old City Emerging From Tigris River In Iraq Before It Is Submerged Again

A team of archaeologists had to scramble to investigate a 3400-year-old city before it was submerged again after it emerged from the Tigris River in Iraq due to drought. Their…

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