Beirut Under Water As Rain Turns Streets Into Rivers

These images show cars almost submerged in water after Beirut was paralysed by heavy rains that turned streets into rivers leading to protesters bemoaning the country’s poor infrastructure.

According to local media, travellers to the Beirut-Rafic Hariri International Airport in western Lebanon had to wade through a flooded arrivals area following the devastating rainstorms.

Protesters who have been demonstrating against Lebanon’s political elite and decades of alleged corruption and mismanagement for the past two months had to remain in their Beirut encampments as the city’s streets were turned into rivers, according to reports.

Credit: CEN
Cars in water after heavy rains in Lebanon

Despite investing in infrastructure following the Lebanese Civil War from 1975 to 1990, the county still experiences power cuts every day and residents are dependent on tankers to bring water to their homes, according to local media.

An inadequate sewer system also means that the roads are flooded whenever heavy rainfall.

Reports said that cars were half-submerged in the southern suburb of Ouzai while an underpass at the international airport was closed for several hours as the water pumps did not work.

One man was spotted using a surfboard to pass through the tunnel while residents in other areas of the city were seen using small boats to get around.

Youssef Fenianos, Minister of Public Works and Transpiration, blamed the 50-year-old infrastructure and increased population levels in certain areas for the situation.

Credit: CEN
Lebanon Floods

As the county is experiencing a financial crisis, it has reportedly been difficult to borrow money for much-needed infrastructure work, according to reports.

Fenianos added: “I am ready to take full responsibility.”

On 29th October, the country’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned amid anti-government protests and currently serves as caretaker PM until elections take place.

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Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder,  Agency: Central European News

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