Read more about the article Mexican President Mocked For Snap Of Woodland ‘Spirit’
The photo of an alux shared by the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, undated. He believes to be an 'alux' a mischievous forest spirit from Mayan folklore. (@lopezobrador_/Newsflash)

Mexican President Mocked For Snap Of Woodland ‘Spirit’

Mexico's President has been mocked for sharing a snap said to show a traditional pixie-like spirit perched in a tree. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, 69, used social media to…

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Read more about the article Two Elephants Find Love With Each Other After Years Of Receiving Abuse In Circus
The elephants Bireki and Big Boy unite trunks in Ostok Sanctuary in Sinaloa, Mexico, undated. Both elephants have been rescued. (@ostoksanctuary/Newsflash)

Two Elephants Find Love With Each Other After Years Of Receiving Abuse In Circus

Two elephants finding love with each other at a wildlife sanctuary after being rescued from abusive circuses. Elephants Big Boy and Bireki once again found joy in life while sharing…

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Read more about the article Octopus Given New Ten Times Bigger Home As Swiss Zoo Adds Caves For It To Hide In
The common octopus that now lives in display tank 11 with some fish species and other Mediterranean invertebrates at the Basel Zoo in Switzerland. (Zoo Basel/Newsflash)

Octopus Given New Ten Times Bigger Home As Swiss Zoo Adds Caves For It To Hide In

This octopus is living life large after the zoo where it lives made its home 10 times bigger and added caves in which it can hide. The footage shows the…

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Read more about the article US WWII Vet Meets German Tank Commander He Fought To Seize Bridge At Remagen To Drink Beer And Eat Saurkraut Together
Jurgen Tegethoff, 97, (left) was a Tiger Tank Commander during WWII for the German Army, pictured with Ed Cottrell, 99, (right) - a P-47 pilot whose number one priority during the war was to fly out, locate tanks, and destroy them. (Newsflash)

US WWII Vet Meets German Tank Commander He Fought To Seize Bridge At Remagen To Drink Beer And Eat Saurkraut Together

Two World War II veterans who fought on opposite sides in a battle that marked a turning point in the conflict are seen here sharing a joke after the former…

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Read more about the article Expert Taxidermist Who Preserves The Alien Like Creatures Of The Deep
Large Moray Eel skull photographed by Jeroen, a fish taxidermist who always preferred fish with big nasty teeth in the Netherlands. (@monster_fish_taxidermy/Newsfllash)

Expert Taxidermist Who Preserves The Alien Like Creatures Of The Deep

These incredible alien-like creatures from the depths of the world's oceans have been perfectly preserved by an expert taxidermist who has notched up over 65,000 followers by sharing his work…

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