Read more about the article Police Divers Release Dangerous Snap Showing Them Holding Grenades In Hands After Cleaning War Debris From Lake
Image shows two divers posing with grenades in their hands, undated photo. Czech Police were cleaning debris in Bosnia. (Police of the Czech Republic/Newsflash)

Police Divers Release Dangerous Snap Showing Them Holding Grenades In Hands After Cleaning War Debris From Lake

These astonishing pictures show police divers holding grenades in their hands while conducting a cleanup operation in a lake in Bosnia. In the snap, police officers from the Czech Republic…

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Read more about the article Fearless Scientist Stepped On Deadly Snakes To Find Out How They Bite
Picture shows behavioral biologist Joao Miguel Alves Nunes, undated. He carried out research to discover when and why venomous snakes bite. (@joaao_miiguel/Newsflash)

Fearless Scientist Stepped On Deadly Snakes To Find Out How They Bite

A scientist has revealed how he stepped on some of the most deadly snakes in the world thousands of times to discover just how and when they bite. Behavioural biologist…

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Read more about the article Wheel Falls Off Troubled 737 Passenger Jet
FlySafair plane bound for Cape Town loses a wheel during take-off in South Africa, undated. The plane reportedly suffered damage to one of its rear tires. (Newsflash)

Wheel Falls Off Troubled 737 Passenger Jet

The wheel literally falls off a Boeing 737 jet loaded with passengers as it is forced to make an emergency landing shortly after takeoff. Worried airport safety staff at OR…

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Read more about the article Wife Falls Into Active Volcano Posing For Husband To Take Picture
Photo shows Huang Lihong, undated. Lihong and her husband Zhang Yong, were on a guided tour to Ijen, a volcano tourism park in East Java province in Indonesia, when they climbed to the edge of the crater to watch the sunrise. (Newsflash)

Wife Falls Into Active Volcano Posing For Husband To Take Picture

A tourist died after she plunged 250 feet into an active volcano in Indonesia as she posed on the crater while her horrified husband took a picture. The victim, named…

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Read more about the article Amimal Traffickers Hurl Deadly Spiders From Window In Police Raid
Picture shows a spider, undated. PF arrests four people for illegal animal trade in Brazil. (Policia Federal/Newsflash)

Amimal Traffickers Hurl Deadly Spiders From Window In Police Raid

Police in Brazil have to tackle deadly venomous spiders hurled by animal traffickers from a window during a raid. The huge creepy crawlies were flung out of the property during…

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Read more about the article Moment Woman Is Caught Trying To Smuggle 439 ‘Alien’ Beetles Into China Airport
Customs seize a total of 439 beetles that passengers illegally brought into the country through the Guangzhou Baiyun Airport in China, undated. The beetles seized this time include a total of 11 species. (Customs/AsiaWire)

Moment Woman Is Caught Trying To Smuggle 439 ‘Alien’ Beetles Into China Airport

A female traveller was caught trying to smuggle more than 400 beetles hidden among food packages in her suitcase. The woman, whose identity was not revealed, was arriving at the…

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Read more about the article Roads Closed As Scientists Warn Tower Of Bologna Could Collapse At Any Time
Picture shows Garisenda Tower in Bologna, Italy. It is reportedly at risk of collapsing. (Newsflash)

Roads Closed As Scientists Warn Tower Of Bologna Could Collapse At Any Time

Italy's other leaning tower is at risk of collapse after scientists listening for cracking sounds in the stonework declared it potentially unsafe. Bologna's Garisenda Tower, one of a pair built…

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Read more about the article Zoo Keepers Offer Cash Prize For Hour In Tigers’ Den
Photo shows white tigers in Jiangsu Yancheng Wildlife World in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, China, undated. The zoo offered a huge reward for living with the white tigers, which was April's fool. (Jiangsu Yancheng Wildlife World/AsiaWire)

Zoo Keepers Offer Cash Prize For Hour In Tigers’ Den

A zoo in eastern China stunned big cat fans by offering them GBP 11,600 to spend an hour in the den of their ferocious white tigers. A picture of a…

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