Read more about the article Exquisite 5.72-Carat Blue Diamond Ring Goes Under The Hammer For GBP 6.9 Million In New York
Image shows the 5.72-carat diamond ring, undated photo. It fetched USD 8.8 million (GBP 6.9 million) in New York, USA. (Christie's/NF/newsX)

Exquisite 5.72-Carat Blue Diamond Ring Goes Under The Hammer For GBP 6.9 Million In New York

This exquisite 5.72-carat blue diamond ring has gone under the hammer at Christie's in New York for GBP 6.9 million. Christie's said that the Fancy Intense Blue diamond surpassed its…

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Read more about the article Solar Halo Like Eye In Sky Appears Over China
Video shows a halo in Kunming, China, undated. Li Xiaopeng, director of the Kunming Meteorological Observatory, said that the reason for the formation of a solar halo is similar to that of a rainbow. (AsiaWire)

Solar Halo Like Eye In Sky Appears Over China

Solar halo that appeared like an eye in the sky above China that had netizens saying that it was as if the sun was wearing contact lenses. The halo appeared…

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Read more about the article Wife Amazed As Wedding Ring She Lost 25 Years Ago Is Returned
Photo shows a wedding ring, undated. Regiane Amboni from Santa Catarina in Brazil recovered the ring she lost in 1998. (@regianeamboni/Newsflash)

Wife Amazed As Wedding Ring She Lost 25 Years Ago Is Returned

A woman who lost her wedding ring during a game of beach volleyball 25 years ago has told of her astonishment after it was found and returned to her. Just…

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Read more about the article Baby Swallows New Year Decoration
Picture shows Christmas metal bell removed from the respiratory tract of a one-year-old child in Lipetsk, Russia, undated. The child swallowed it. (@gooseodb48/Newsflash)

Baby Swallows New Year Decoration

Horrified parents rushed their year-old baby to hospital after they swallowed a metal bell grabbed from the decorations set up to help ring in the New Year. The parents, from…

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Read more about the article Ex-Brazil President Accused Of Smuggling In Fabulous GBP 2.5M Saudi Gems
Picture shows some of the jewels, undated. Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, 67, allegedly tried to smuggle jewellery worth the equivalent of around USD three million to Brazil from Saudi Arabia. (@Pimenta13Br/Newsflash)

Ex-Brazil President Accused Of Smuggling In Fabulous GBP 2.5M Saudi Gems

Brazil's former president has denied trying to smuggle in GBP 2.5 million of jewellery gifted to him and his wife by Saudi Arabia. Jair Bolsonaro, 67 - president from 2019…

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Read more about the article People Produced Beer In German Stonehenge Over 4,000 Years Ago
Photo shows aerial photo of the current excavation area east of the ring sanctuary of Pommelte, Germany, undated. Evidence of Germany's first brewery have been excavated at the site. (Landesamt fur Denkmalpflege und Archaologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Matthias Zirm/Newsflash)

People Produced Beer In German Stonehenge Over 4,000 Years Ago

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient brewery dating back to over 4,000 years ago in the so-called German Stonehenge. The find, believed to be central Germany's first brewery, was excavated at…

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Read more about the article Watch And Ring Seized By Nazis From Resistance Fighter Who Died In Concentration Camp Returned To His Family
Watch and ring of Josep Verges, who worked for the French Resistance during the war, and died in Neuengamme, that were returned. (Newsflash)

Watch And Ring Seized By Nazis From Resistance Fighter Who Died In Concentration Camp Returned To His Family

A watch and a ring seized by the Nazis from a resistance fighter who died in a concentration camp have been returned to his family. Josep Verges was a Catalan…

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Read more about the article Israeli Detectives Find And Seize Priceless Haul Of Ancient Artefacts From Jerusalem Home
Jerusalem District detectives seized Hasmonean coins during a search of the home of a man. (Israel Police/Newsflash)

Israeli Detectives Find And Seize Priceless Haul Of Ancient Artefacts From Jerusalem Home

Cops in Israel have found and seized a haul of valuable archaeological pieces from a home in East Jerusalem. The Jerusalem District detectives found the goods while conducting a search…

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