Read more about the article Boffins Discover New 20-Million-Year-Old Ant Species Encased In Amber
Image shows the extinct ant in the Hereon measuring station at DESY's X-ray light source PETRA III in an undated photo. A German research team from the University of Jena discovered a previously unknown extinct ant in 20 million-years-old amber. (Hammel, Laustroer/Newsflash)

Boffins Discover New 20-Million-Year-Old Ant Species Encased In Amber

Astonished scientists have discovered a previously unknown species of ant after scanning a 20-million-year-old block of amber. Researchers in Germany, France and Poland made the remarkable find after using micro-computed…

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Read more about the article Neglected Cows Drown In Own Faeces Riddled With Decaying Carcasses
Photo shows scenes from a farm in Masuria, Poland, where cows were saved from dying in their own dung, undated photo. The animal rescue service spotted the farm on Friday, Aug. 19, 2022. (@inspektorat.otozanimals.dzialdowo/Newsflash)

Neglected Cows Drown In Own Faeces Riddled With Decaying Carcasses

These shocking images show starving cows on a horror farm in Poland that were found living in their own faeces along with the decaying carcasses of other bovines that had…

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Read more about the article World War II Anti-Aircraft Missile Found Near Krakow Leads To Evacuation Of Over 450 People
An anti-aircraft missile from the Second World War was found in Wieliczka, Poland in June 2022. (@Malopolska.Policja/Newsflash)

World War II Anti-Aircraft Missile Found Near Krakow Leads To Evacuation Of Over 450 People

An anti-aircraft missile dating back to World War II has been found near Krakow leading to the evacuation of over 450 people. The device, weighing 50 kilogrammes (110 lbs), was…

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Read more about the article Jewish Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor Testifies Against Former Secretary, 96, In German Court
The former concentration camp secretary Irmgard Furchner in the Itzehoe regional court. (Newsflash)

Jewish Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor Testifies Against Former Secretary, 96, In German Court

A Jewish survivor of the Stutthof Nazi concentration camp has testified in court against a former secretary who is on trial for complicity in over 11,000 cases of murder and…

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Read more about the article Young Mum Strangles Her Three Children To Death As They Lie In Their Beds
Two of the victims of Paulina N., 26, who admitted to the prosecution that she strangled her three children, a 4-year-old boy, a 2-year-old girl and a 9-month-old girl, in Lublin, Poland, in October, 2021. (Newsflash)

Young Mum Strangles Her Three Children To Death As They Lie In Their Beds

A young woman has reportedly confessed to killing her own three children aged between nine months and four years by strangling them with her bare hands as they slept in…

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Read more about the article Palaeontologists Discover Worlds Oldest Rodent Tooth
Polish paleontologists discover worlds oldest rodent tooth, stuck in a mandible of the worlds oldest known mammal shrew

Palaeontologists Discover Worlds Oldest Rodent Tooth

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Researchers have discovered a jaw fragment from the world’s oldest rodent which inhabited Greenland over 215 million years ago. The team of Polish researchers published their findings in the peer-reviewed…

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