Read more about the article Girl, 12, Buys Dream iPhone 14 After Selling Bread At School For GBP 2
Photo shows Bianca Jemi Wariyava with her new iPhone 14 in Dubai, UAE, undated. She bought it by selling homemade bread in school. (Gemini Wariyava/Newsflash)

Girl, 12, Buys Dream iPhone 14 After Selling Bread At School For GBP 2

A 12-year-old girl has bought her dream iPhone 14 after selling homemade bread at school for GBP 2. Bianca Jemi Wariyava comes from a family of bakers and after her…

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Read more about the article Teen Dies After Bungling Medics Mistake Stroke For Ear Infection Twice
Picture shows Mar, 18, undated. She died after doctors confused a stroke with otitis in Cadiz, Spain. (Newsflash)

Teen Dies After Bungling Medics Mistake Stroke For Ear Infection Twice

A teenage girl has died at the very hospital where she wanted to become a nurse after bungling medics allegedly mistook her stroke for an ear infection twice. Mar Gutierrez…

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Read more about the article Orphaned Tot’s Moving Family Reunion After Fleeing Taliban
Photo shows an Afghan toddler, named Maryam, undated. Maryam, who was bundled on to an evacuation flight from Kabul in 2021 after her parents died in a bomb blast, has been reunited with relatives at a Qatar orphanage. (Newsflash)

Orphaned Tot’s Moving Family Reunion After Fleeing Taliban

An orphaned baby bundled onto an evacuation flight from Afghanistan after her parents died in a bomb blast has been reunited with members of her family. Maryam - now believed…

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Read more about the article Surgeons Remove Tumour The Size Of Four Bowling Balls From Teen
Picture shows the 20 kilograme tumour on Andrea Alvarez, 18, and the medical team during the removal, undated. She had a tumour that covered her entire abdomen, similar to a pregnant woman with twins, removed by doctors, in Concepcion, Peru. (@Minsa_Peru/Newsflash)

Surgeons Remove Tumour The Size Of Four Bowling Balls From Teen

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Shocked surgeons have removed a massive tumour from an 18-year-old girl's stomach after her parents thought she was putting on weight. The 20-kilogramme (44-lb) growth - the…

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Read more about the article Tot Aged 2 Dies After Suffering Three Heart Attacks After Drinking A Glass Of Gasoline
Picture shows the Portoazul Clinic, in Barranquilla, Colombia, undated. Elian Josue Pina Valdez, died after ingesting gasoline, at the clinic, on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023. (Google Maps/Newsflash)

Tot Aged 2 Dies After Suffering Three Heart Attacks After Drinking A Glass Of Gasoline

A tot in Colombia has died after he suffered three heart attacks as a result of drinking a glass of gasoline. The two-year-old boy identified as Elian Josue Pina Valdez…

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Read more about the article Tiny Elephant Shrews Go On Show After Mum Hid Them From Zookeepers
Image shows one of the two round-eared elephant shrew offspring, undated photo. It was born at the Schoenbrunn Zoo, in the city of Vienna, Austria, in February 2023. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

Tiny Elephant Shrews Go On Show After Mum Hid Them From Zookeepers

Two tiny round-eared elephant shrew babies have finally gone on show to the public after their cautious parents hid them from zookeepers for days. The babies - no bigger than…

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Read more about the article Docs Remove Coin Stuck In Boy’s Throat For Three Months
Photo shows a three-year-old boy with his mother, undated. The coin was removed from the patient at Kantha Bopha Hospital in Siem Reap, Cambodia. (CEN)

Docs Remove Coin Stuck In Boy’s Throat For Three Months

A three-year-old boy has been saved after surgeons removed a silver play coin that had been stuck in his throat for three months. His parents - from Siem Pang District,…

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Read more about the article Strangers Make New Teddy And Give it To Sick Boy After Original Lost In Park
Photo shows Marcos, the four-year-old boy from Valencia, with his new stuffed animal which replaced 'Fantito,' undated. The stuffed animal was lost during a walk through the Parc Central in Valencia, Spain, on Dec. 29, 2022. (Newsflash)

Strangers Make New Teddy And Give it To Sick Boy After Original Lost In Park

A four-year-old boy suffering from a rare genetic disease was made happy again by generous strangers who bought him an exact replica of his lost favourite teddy bear. Marcos, a…

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