Read more about the article Antarctic’s ‘Stable’ Glaciers Are Melting From Below, New Study Shows
Image shows a sediment core from East Antarctica, undated photo. Polarstern will return to its porn in Bremerhaven, Germany, after a six-month-long Antarctic mission. (Alfred Wegener Institute, Lester Lembke-Jene/Newsflash)

Antarctic’s ‘Stable’ Glaciers Are Melting From Below, New Study Shows

Huge glaciers once thought to be stable in eastern Antarctica are melting from below as warmer water flows erode their roots, a new scientific study has revealed. The six-month study…

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Read more about the article New Snake Named After Indiana Jones Star Harrison Ford
Image shows Harrison Ford's slender snake (Tachymenoides harrisonfordi), undated photo. It was named after the famous actor by a group of scientists at the German Society for Herpetology and Herpetoculture in the village of Salzhemmendorf, Lower Saxony State, Germany. (E. Lehr, DGHT/Newsflash)

New Snake Named After Indiana Jones Star Harrison Ford

Scientists have named a newly discovered species of snake after Indian Jones star Harrison Ford. The snake - known scientifically as Tachymenoides harrisonfordi - is a Peruvian slender snake and…

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Read more about the article Volunteers To Be Locked In Slammer To Test New Jailbird Rules And Hundreds Apply Despite No Compo
The new Zurich West prison located in the city of Zurich in Switzerland. (Newsflash)

Volunteers To Be Locked In Slammer To Test New Jailbird Rules And Hundreds Apply Despite No Compo

Officials in Switzerland are looking for volunteers to go behind bars to test procedures at a new prison - and hundreds of citizens have already applied, despite not getting a…

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Read more about the article Guide Dog Sets New Record With Litter Of 16 Puppies
A three-year-old German Shepherd in the care of Guide Dogs has birthed 16 puppies, setting a new record for the charity’s 60-year-old breeding programme in November 2021 at Guide Dogs UK.(@GuideDogsUK/Newsflash)

Guide Dog Sets New Record With Litter Of 16 Puppies

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A German Shepherd has set a new record for a 60-year-old Guide Dogs UK breeding programme after delivering 16 puppies. @GuideDogsUK/Newsflash The puppies were born at the organisation’s National…

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Read more about the article Four New Viruses Discovered In Rare Giant Tortoises In The Galapagos Islands After COVID-Style Tests
Illustrative image: Scientists discover novel viruses in Galapagos giant tortoises. (Juan Manuel García, CDF/Newsflash)

Four New Viruses Discovered In Rare Giant Tortoises In The Galapagos Islands After COVID-Style Tests

Four new viruses have been discovered in giant tortoises is in the Galapagos Islands after 454 of the animals underwent COVID-style testing. The research showed that the infected animals live…

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Read more about the article New Species Of Dinosaur With Unique Tail Weapon Resembling Aztec War Weapon Found In Chile
An artist's reconstruction of the appearance of the new species of armoured dinosaur, Stegouros elengassen. (Luis Perez Lopez/Newsflash)

New Species Of Dinosaur With Unique Tail Weapon Resembling Aztec War Weapon Found In Chile

Researchers have found the near-complete skeleton of a new species of dinosaur with a unique weapon resembling an Aztec 'macuahuitl' war club on its tail. The find was made in…

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Read more about the article New Dinosaur Species That Lived In Greenland Over 200 Million Years Ago Named Cold Bone
Living reconstruction of Issi saaneq, a newly discovered dinosaur that lived on Greenland 214 million years ago. (Victor Beccari/Newsflash)

New Dinosaur Species That Lived In Greenland Over 200 Million Years Ago Named Cold Bone

This 13-foot-long dinosaur whose fossilised remains were unearthed under the freezing ice sheets of Greenland has earned the name 'Cold bone' in tribute to the location's Inuit people. The dinosaur's…

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Read more about the article Museum Dusts Off 150 Year Old Storage Boxes And Discovers 33 New Species Of Prehistoric Snails
Pieces of the pigeon snail Mitrella viennensis, named after Vienna, with a historical label and an outdated name. (NHM Vienna, Alice Schumacher/Newsflash)

Museum Dusts Off 150 Year Old Storage Boxes And Discovers 33 New Species Of Prehistoric Snails

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Vienna’s Natural History Museum has discovered 33 new species of snails that lived millions of years ago after unboxing them from their 150-year storage. The Museum of Natural History in…

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Read more about the article New Exhibition For Rediscovered Austrian Artist Murdered At Nazi Castle Where Mentally Ill Were Gassed
Ida Maly, self-portrait , 1917. (Neue Galerie am Universalmuseum Joanneum/Newsflash)

New Exhibition For Rediscovered Austrian Artist Murdered At Nazi Castle Where Mentally Ill Were Gassed

A new exhibition is taking place in memory of a rediscovered Austrian artist who was murdered at a Nazi castle in 1941 where the mentally ill were systematically gassed to…

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