Read more about the article First Dolphin Baby Born Naturally in Artificial Breeding Environment in China
A baby dolphin is born naturally in an artificial breeding environment in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, Saturday, Jun. 22, 2024. It is about 1 meter long and weighs nearly 10 kilograms. (Poseidon_./AsiaWire)

First Dolphin Baby Born Naturally in Artificial Breeding Environment in China

The first dolphin baby born naturally in an artificial breeding environment in Heilongjiang Province has been successfully delivered to the Harbin Poseidon Tourism Resort. The dolphin baby, measuring approximately one…

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Read more about the article Experts Say Famous 20ft Anaconda Ana Julia Found Dead In Rainforest Passed Away Naturally
Picture shows the snake measuring almost 7 meters found dead in Bonito, Brazil, undated. Giant anaconda is found in a putrefactive state and must undergo forensic examination. (@cdimitrius/Newsflash)

Experts Say Famous 20ft Anaconda Ana Julia Found Dead In Rainforest Passed Away Naturally

A famous anaconda called Ana Julia measuring over 20 feet long who featured in documentaries and had been a regional symbol for years has been found dead in the rainforest…

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Read more about the article Cute Nelliephant Born In Spanish Zoo After 653-Day Gestation
Picture shows the African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana) Matla and the newborn at BIOPARC Valencia, Spain. The birth occured at 4:20 in the morning during a full moon after a normal gestation parameter, on day 653, she was monitored trough a non-intrusive monitoring using a camera system, on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2022. (BIOPARC Valencia/Newsflash)

Cute Nelliephant Born In Spanish Zoo After 653-Day Gestation

This stunning footage shows how an African elephant that had been pregnant for a whopping 653 days finally gave birth at a zoo in Spain. Bioparc Valencia resident Matla gave…

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Read more about the article Sufferer Who Came Off Meds 15 Years Ago Keeps Virus Naturally Under Control
Doctors Josep Mallolas, (left) Nuria Climent, (second from the left) Juan Ambrosioni, (second from the right) and an unidentified man, (right), pose in a screenshot from a press conference, in July, 2022. The doctors present a case of a functional cure of AIDS in a patient in Barcelona, Spain. (Newsflash)

Sufferer Who Came Off Meds 15 Years Ago Keeps Virus Naturally Under Control

An HIV sufferer who came off medication 15 years ago is still living with the virus but her immune system is keeping it under control. This, say experts in Spain,…

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Read more about the article Gem 10,000 Times More Valuable Than Diamond Found By Cops In Suspects Car Boot In Turkey
Illustrative image of zultanite, a very rare gem, which is known as the 'sultan of the gems' and famous for changing its colour, is far more rare than a high quality diamond. (Newsflash)

Gem 10,000 Times More Valuable Than Diamond Found By Cops In Suspects Car Boot In Turkey

A rare gem worth 10,000 times more than a diamond and that is only found in one mountain range in Turkey has been found being illegally smuggled in the boot…

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Read more about the article Deadly Frog Used To Poison Blow Darts Reproduces In Swiss Zoo For First Time Ever
The first ever Harlequin poison frog which reproduced naturally in the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland.

Deadly Frog Used To Poison Blow Darts Reproduces In Swiss Zoo For First Time Ever

A Swiss zoo has welcomed its first ever naturally reproduced harlequin poison dart frog - the brightly coloured amphibians that got their name because Native Americans used their toxic secretions…

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Read more about the article Baby Has Umbilical Cord Wrapped Six Times Round Neck
The newborn boy born at Yichang Central Hospital in Hubei, China, is healthy and and in stable condition after having been delivered with his umbilical cord wrapped 6 times around his neck on 30 July

Baby Has Umbilical Cord Wrapped Six Times Round Neck

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Medics were stunned when this baby which was born naturally emerged with its umbilical cord wrapped tightly around its neck not just once but six times. The amazing birth which…

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