Read more about the article Prosecutors Ban ‘Tesla Of Euthanasia’ Killing Pod
Image shows the Sarco suicide pod, undated photo. The Canton of Schaffhausen, in Switzerland, has banned its usage. (Sarco/Newsflash)

Prosecutors Ban ‘Tesla Of Euthanasia’ Killing Pod

A space-age death pod dubbed the 'Tesla Of Euthanasia' has been banned by prosecutors in Switzerland. The 3D-printed Sarco pod can kill occupants at the press of a button, flooding…

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Read more about the article Cardiologist At Europe’s Biggest Hospital In Berlin Faces Life Behind Bars After ‘Euthanising’ Seriously ill Patients
Image shows Europe's largest university hospital, the Charite Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, in Germany, undated photo. Dr Gunther Schmidt, 56, faces a life sentence after allegedly murdering two patients. (Newsflash)

Cardiologist At Europe’s Biggest Hospital In Berlin Faces Life Behind Bars After ‘Euthanising’ Seriously ill Patients

A prominent cardiologist in Berlin is facing life behind bars after allegedly murdering two patients at Europe's biggest hospital when he allegedly injected them with a lethal cocktail of drugs.…

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Read more about the article Constipated Turtle Hilariously Tricked Into Taking Nasty-Tasting Medicine
An owner uses food to trick a saw-shelled turtle (Myuchelys latisternum) into taking medicine in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, undated. The video was posted on Douyin the Chinese version of TikTok. (achu1995/AsiaWire)

Constipated Turtle Hilariously Tricked Into Taking Nasty-Tasting Medicine

A turtle owner manages to trick their greedy pet into taking nasty medicine by offering it real food. The funny video starts off with the unnamed owner of the saw-shelled…

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Read more about the article Honey Can Lower Stroke Risk, Study Shows
Picture shows Tauseef Khan, undated. He is a research associate at Toronto University's Temerty Faculty of Medicine and one of the co-authors of the study entitled "Effect of honey on cardiometabolic risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis." (Nema McGlynn/Newsflash)

Honey Can Lower Stroke Risk, Study Shows

Tucking into raw honey can significantly reduce the risk of suffering some of the most common current health issues, scientists in Canada have found. Researchers at Toronto University carried out…

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Read more about the article Girl Who Swallowed 61 Magnetic Beads Has Intestines Perforated In 14 Places
Picture shows the magnetic beads removed from girl's stomach in Hangzhou, Zhejiang in China, undated. She swallowed 61 magnetic beads. (Zhejiang Children's Hospital/AsiaWire)

Girl Who Swallowed 61 Magnetic Beads Has Intestines Perforated In 14 Places

Surgeons in China removed shocking 61 magnetic balls from a four-year-old girl's stomach who ended up with 14 holes in her intestine after accidentally swallowing the beads. The little girl,…

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Read more about the article Bacteria For New Antibiotics Found In River In Chile
Photo shows Mapocho River, in Santiago, Chile, undated. Researchers were testing the ability of the cholera-causing bacteria to survive in water but ended up detecting two new pathogen inhibitors. (Newsflash)

Bacteria For New Antibiotics Found In River In Chile

Scientists have discovered two bacteria with great antibiotic potential in a river in Chile. The breakthrough comes as the search for new bacteria to develop antibiotics is one of humankind’s…

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Read more about the article Scientists Succeed In Reversing Alzheimer’s In Mice
Developer Eran Lumbroso holds a mouse during a demonstration at The 2nd International Conference of Israel Homeland Security expo on November 12, 2012 in Tel Aviv, Israel. (Uriel Sinai/Getty)

Scientists Succeed In Reversing Alzheimer’s In Mice

Alzheimer's has been reversed in mice after scientists boosted the formation of new brain cells. A gene therapy fueled neurons in the hippocampus - a region vital for learning and…

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Read more about the article Customs Dog Sniffs Out Hundreds Of Endangered Seahorses
Customs dog found 844 dried seahorses weighing a total of around five kilograms at Leipzig-Halle Airport in June 2022. (Hauptzollamt Dresden/Newsflash)

Customs Dog Sniffs Out Hundreds Of Endangered Seahorses

Customs officers found nearly 1,000 endangered seahorses being smuggled through an airport to be used as 'natural viagra' by bogus healers. The dried seahorses had been stashed in a freight…

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Read more about the article Better Therapy Hopes As Detection Dogs Sniff It Out
Recent study by a research team from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) shows that dogs previously trained with samples from SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals can recognize samples from post-COVID-19 patients. (Sebastian Meller/Newsflash)

Better Therapy Hopes As Detection Dogs Sniff It Out

COVID-19 detection dogs can also detect Long Covid in people, according to new research by vets in Germany. Scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover found that canines…

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