Read more about the article War Museum Terminators Made From Recycled Junk
Footage shows giant Transformer Bumblebee exhibit at a landfill in Irkutsk, Russia, undated. The collection consists of various exhibits created by landfill staff in a local workshop. (Newsflash)

War Museum Terminators Made From Recycled Junk

Line of movie Terminators created from scrap metal and junk for a warfare museum in Russia. Inventor Alexander Rastorguev assembled the scary squad for his 'At The Landfill' museum using…

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Read more about the article Cancer Cells Thrive In Body’s Sweet Spots, Says Study
University of Minnesota Twin Cities engineers have discovered that cancer cells invade the body based on their environment. The discovery provides new understanding of how cancer spreads and can improve future treatments. (David Odde Laboratory, University of Minnesota/Newsflash)

Cancer Cells Thrive In Body’s Sweet Spots, Says Study

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Cancer researchers have discovered how mutated cells can sense the Goldilocks sweet spots in a human body. Led by the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, an international group of researchers…

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Read more about the article Scientists Develop Breath Check Security System
Breath odor-based individual authentication using an artificial olfactory sensor could become possible in the near future as represented by this artists rendering. (Kyushu University, Yanagida Lab/Newsflash)

Scientists Develop Breath Check Security System

Biometric authentication could soon be revolutionised as scientists in Japan have developed a security tool which identifies people by their breath. Being able to fully rely on identity check systems…

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Read more about the article Rust And Acorns Perfect For Eco Tie-Dying Says Study
Tie-dyeing cotton fabric with acorn and rust solutions turns it brown, orange, blue and black. (Adapted from Journal of Chemical Education 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00086/Newsflash)

Rust And Acorns Perfect For Eco Tie-Dying Says Study

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Scientists have revealed that acorns and rust could be perfect green substitutes for tie-dying cotton clothes. Although many kits are available for people to brighten up their clothes with colourful…

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Read more about the article Researchers Develop Worlds Smallest Battery Which Is Tinier Than A Grain Of Salt
A picture of the smallest battery in the world is smaller than a grain of salt produced by the research team led by TU Chemnitz. (TU Chemnitz, Leibniz IFW Dresden/Newsflash)

Researchers Develop Worlds Smallest Battery Which Is Tinier Than A Grain Of Salt

What is apparently the world's smallest battery, which is the size of a grain of salt and which can be used to power surgical implants and micro-robots, has been developed…

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Read more about the article Mountains Of Nanoplastic Deposits From London And Paris Found At 3106-Metre Altitude In Alps
Scientists ascending to the research station in the Hohe Tauern National Park in Austria. (ZAMG, Niedermoser/Newsflash)

Mountains Of Nanoplastic Deposits From London And Paris Found At 3106-Metre Altitude In Alps

Microscopic pieces of plastic from European cities such as London and Paris have been detected in the Austrian Alps at about 3,106 metres above sea level. Recent measurements taken at…

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Read more about the article Scientists Discover Glass And Clay Capable Of Destroying COVID-19 In 10 Minutes
Virus particles pictured, a study by Spanish researchers has identified a type of glass and a clay that reduce viral infectivity by more than 99% in 10 minutes of contact with a virus. (CSIC/Newsflash)

Scientists Discover Glass And Clay Capable Of Destroying COVID-19 In 10 Minutes

Scientists in Spain say they have discovered a type of glass and a type of clay that have antiviral properties and are capable of destroying viruses including COVID-19 in 10…

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