Read more about the article Man Spots Great Granny In Church’s Stained-Glass Window
Image shows the stained glass window in Linz's Mariendom, undated photo. It shows the Steineder family (the man on the right is Leopold Steineder, city carpenter of Linz, behind him his underage son Hans Steineder). (Federal Monuments Office, Bettina Neubauer-Pregl/Newsflash)

Man Spots Great Granny In Church’s Stained-Glass Window

Art experts restoring a cathedral's stained glass windows in Austria were astonished when a local identified five of his ancestors in the artwork. Art historians have been conducting a painstaking…

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Read more about the article Summer School Student Finds Bee Species Not Seen In The Area In More Than 65 Years
Picture shows a bee captured by a Canadian museum's summer school attendant that has been identified as a rare species - not seen in the province for almost 70 years, undated. Zoologist Dr Cory Sheffield from the Royal Saskatchewan Museum (RSM) in the city of Regina, Saskatchewan Province, said the discovered type was determined to be a Macropis Cuckoo Bee specimen. (Saskatchewan Government, NewsX/Bee)

Summer School Student Finds Bee Species Not Seen In The Area In More Than 65 Years

A bee captured by a Canadian museum's summer school attendant has been identified as a rare species that has not been seen in the province for almost 70 years. Zoologist…

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Read more about the article Marine Reptile That Lived 170 Million Years Ago Identified As Oldest-Known Mega-Predatory Pliosaur
Image shows an illustration of the oldest megapredatory pliosaur, Lorrainosaurus, in the ancient Middle Jurassic sea, undated photo. It thrived in today's northern France 170 million years ago. (Joschua Knueppe/Newsflash)

Marine Reptile That Lived 170 Million Years Ago Identified As Oldest-Known Mega-Predatory Pliosaur

The fossils of a 170-million-year-old monster have been identified as the oldest-known mega-predatory reptile closely related to the famous long-necked plesiosaurs. The remains of the ancient reptile, now analysed and…

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Read more about the article 4,000 Year Old Corpses Were Victims Of Black Death
Image shows the grave of a man aged 22-27, undated photo. He died of the plague around 4,000 years ago at a burial ground in the municipality of Drasenhofen, Lower Austria State, Austria. (OeAW, Archaeprotect/Newsflash)

4,000 Year Old Corpses Were Victims Of Black Death

The 4,000-year-old bodies of two prehistoric men have been identified as among the world's oldest known plague victims. The two Early Bronze Age corpses - aged between 22 and 30…

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Read more about the article Tragedy As Three-Month-Old Chokes On Mum’s Breast Milk
Lucas Nunes, 3-months-old, poses in undated photo. He died after choking on breast milk in Balneario Rincao, Brazil, on Monday, May 1, 2023. (Newsflash)

Tragedy As Three-Month-Old Chokes On Mum’s Breast Milk

A three-month-old baby has died after choking on his mother's breast milk. The victim was identified as Lucas Nunes from Balneario Rincao, Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. His devastated mum,…

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Read more about the article Man’s Remains Found In Shark’s Stomach
Diego Barra, 32, poses in an undated photo. His remains were found inside a shark caught by fishermen in the area where he disappeared in Chubut, Argentina. (Virginia Brugger/Newsflash)

Man’s Remains Found In Shark’s Stomach

Chewed-up human remains in a shark's stomach have been identified as a 32-year-old man who had been missing for eight days. Horrified fishermen found the remains while they were gutting…

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Read more about the article 35 Million-Year-Old Flower Gives Up Its Secrets
Image shows the world's largest flower fossil dating back to 35 million years ago, undated photo. Based on its characteristics and pollen the scientists from the University of Vienna, in Austria, assigned it to the Symplocos genus, in the Symplocaceae family. (Carola Radke/Newsflash)

35 Million-Year-Old Flower Gives Up Its Secrets

The world's largest amber-preserved flower bud fossil has been identified by scientists. The plant has been preserved with its pollen for 35 million years from the Eocene era. Experts from…

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Read more about the article Long-Lost American Shipwreck Identified By Analyzing Timbers
Lead author Ignacio Mundo measures one of the ships ribs in preparation for sampling, in an undated photo. The rings revealed the wreckage off the coast of Argentina that is the remains of the Dolphin, an American whaling ship lost in 1859 some 10,000 miles from home. (Mnica Grosso,SWNS/Newsflash)

Long-Lost American Shipwreck Identified By Analyzing Timbers

A shipwreck has been finally identified as a whaler lost more than 160 years ago after scientists analysed TREE RINGS in the rotting timber. The rings revealed the wreckage off…

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Read more about the article New Species Of Bear-Dog Dating Back Millions Of Years Named After Large, One-Eyed Giant
A representation of the newly discovered species of large predators belong to a group of carnivores that could weigh around 320 kilogrames, appeared 36 million years ago before becoming extinct around 7.5 million years ago, found in Sallespisse, France. (Denny Navarra/Newsflash)

New Species Of Bear-Dog Dating Back Millions Of Years Named After Large, One-Eyed Giant

An international team of scientists has identified a new species of ancient predator that was part bear and part dog and roamed Europe millions of years ago. The new genus…

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