Read more about the article Walkers Find Severed Wolf’s Head In Middle Of Road
Picture shows a severed wolf's head near the Nabu species protection center in Leiferde, Germany on Friday, April 7, 2023. Police officers examined the head along with a wolf expert. (@wildes_leben_in_sachsen_anhalt/CEN)

Walkers Find Severed Wolf’s Head In Middle Of Road

WARNING: GRAPHIC AND DISTRESSING CONTENT This is the gruesome discovery made by nature lovers who found a severed wolf's head outside the headquarters of a wildlife organisation. The head was…

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Read more about the article British Woman Aged 30 Missing In Hungarian Capital’s 7th District
Bartram Christina Frances, 30 poses in undated photo. (Hungary Police/Newsflash)

British Woman Aged 30 Missing In Hungarian Capital’s 7th District

Police have initiated a search after a 30-year-old British woman went missing in the Hungarian capital. Bartram Christina Frances disappeared from Budapest's 7th district Erzsebetvaros in the early hours of…

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Read more about the article World War II Anti-Aircraft Missile Found Near Krakow Leads To Evacuation Of Over 450 People
An anti-aircraft missile from the Second World War was found in Wieliczka, Poland in June 2022. (@Malopolska.Policja/Newsflash)

World War II Anti-Aircraft Missile Found Near Krakow Leads To Evacuation Of Over 450 People

An anti-aircraft missile dating back to World War II has been found near Krakow leading to the evacuation of over 450 people. The device, weighing 50 kilogrammes (110 lbs), was…

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Read more about the article Cops Bust EUR 80K Crooks Selling Fake QE II Gold Coins
After months of investigations three men were arrested in Cologne on 2th of June 2022, and police seized 19 fake gold coins. (Polizeiprasidium Koln/Newsflash)

Cops Bust EUR 80K Crooks Selling Fake QE II Gold Coins

Fraud police have busted scammers suspected of selling fake Canadian 'Maple Leaf' gold coins with the face of Queen Elizabeth on them. The fraudsters are said to have conned buyers…

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Read more about the article Cops Take Selfie With Cute Escaped Zoo Penguin Arrested For Jumping Out In Front Of Police Car
Police in Budapest, Hungary caught a lost penguin that escaped from the city's zoo. (BRFK Information Portal/Newsflash)

Cops Take Selfie With Cute Escaped Zoo Penguin Arrested For Jumping Out In Front Of Police Car

This is the cute penguin that escaped from the Budapest zoo and was caught when it waddled out in front of a patrol car. The Budapest Police Headquarters (Budapesti Rendor…

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